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Waiting for announcements



I'm waiting for two announcements.

#1 - "The 2008 Minigame Compo is now open." Then I can lose again for the third straight year. I shouldn't say that. I didn't come in last with Smiley (the 4k game). The Frogger-like 2k game got slaughtered though. I'm still mad at Zyx and Ants from 2006. I admit, they sucked, and I wanted them pulled from the competition, but they convinced me not to. Ants came in second-to-last in the 4k category and Zyx came in dead last. This year, I plan to put in Virtual Dieter plus one as-yet unmade 2k or 4k game. Dr. Beep said on the forum that he might put in at least 4 games (he really said he had 2 1k games done and is working on 2 more games for the compo. I'm not sure whether he'll enter all of them or not. Probably not.) I'm surprised that Pac-Man won the 4k competition, what with all the flickering. I read somewhere the compo looks down on flickering. Virtual Dieter has flickering, but if Pac-Man can win, then Virtual Dieter can have a shot.

#2 - "It's snowing!" But this announcement probably won't happen. At least here in Salem, Oregon. :( It did once this winter, on Christmas Day (but it didn't stick.)


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