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Too many boxes!



That's the downside of ordering all this stuff. You get stuck with the boxes they come in. I must have like 10 cardboard boxes that games came in, 2600 or Lynx. Well, I added another one to my "collection" with the arrival of Robosquash and Malibu Bikini Volleyball. I just put in Malibu Bikini Volleyball to see if it works (it did), and I played a little bit of Robosquash. I like the concept, but in the end, I found it a little too difficult for me to be playing on a regular basis, even on the easy setting. It's hard when the computer hits the ball back to you 99% of the time, and it rarely misses, which making the computer miss is the point of the game. It's like Pong, but in 3D, and with power ups. I think I'll order the final three (Basketbrawl, Pit Fighter and Jimmy Connors' Tennis) next month. Until next time, bye.


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