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That's the chance that snow will fall here tomorrow. Not very likely, but might be possible. And if not then, then there's more chances this weekend. (I don't know how since the lows will be a little above freezing.) In other news, the 2005 Super Bowl had Paul McCartney play at halftime, not Janet Jackson. So when did the Janet Jackson thing happen? Must've been 2004. Doesn't seem like that long ago. I only recorded the commercials of the 2003 and 2004 Super Bowl. It was in 2005 that I decided to record the whole thing. This year, it'd be nice to have the whole thing, just in case the Patriots make their season 19-0. But we'll have to wait until February 3rd to see if that happens or not. I'll keep you updated on whether we get any snow or not soon.


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