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You never know



So I go to my video game store, and there were the usual three 2600 games there, plus an addition: Porky's. So I end up paying $2 for it. The guy there was saying how great the movie was. I didn't want to say "I haven't seen it, I just bought this because it was a 2600 game I don't have." He asked me where I found it, and I pointed behind me and said "over there." where the 2600 games were located, all three of them. There were a couple new Jaguar games too, but I don't have a Jaguar so I didn't get them. I thought briefly about getting them to trade, but I had no idea how rare they were. Just so I didn't look like a total dork, I also bought two Genesis games.

The ants have come back in full force now, at least in the den where I'm typing this. Now I know why I made that Ants game a few years back. It's about that time. Ant season. Yay. :( The sun is shining, so that's usually a sign that spring has come. Too early. The biggest reason why I hate spring and summer is because of ANTS! That, and it's hot.


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