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Extreme Makeover



I had about 30 bytes to spare, so I redesigned the guy from Virtual Dieter. Now he resembles Pitfall Harry (but fatter), and I now have 3 bytes left.


In other news, I'd love to watch YouTube videos and listen to podcasts, and all that other good stuff. The bad news is I still have dial-up. It's frustrating because we called Qwest and they said it's not available in our area. Me and my mom live in a mobile home park (maybe that has something to do with it,) but there's a Wal-Mart & Lowe's right down the street, so it's not like we're out in the country. And it's just about a mile to Mission Street, which is one of the busiest streets in Salem! So I don't know what Qwest's deal is, and with Comcast's tricky ads saying such-and-such price "FOR 6 MONTHS," and they don't tell you that the rates skyrocket afterwords. Which means, if I want to upload videos to my YouTube site, I have to go over to my sister's house. She lives about 10 minutes away, but it's still a real hassle to get there and back because there's 2 very unfairly-timed traffic lights (and more that are fairly-timed.)

Well, that's the end of my rant. LOL.


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