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Facial hair and politics.



I'm trying to grow a beard. It's not going too well. It just looks like I haven't shaved in a while. It must be because I'm only 25 years old. I thought a beard would go well with my moustache. This beard is making my face itch, so I may just give up and shave to keep my sanity.

Anyway, Oregon has Obama fever. he's visiting Oregon, which is kind of a big deal because our primary isn't until May 20th! So what is he doing here two months before the primary? Anyway, channel 2 (KATU) is airing his speech tomorrow, which means I'd like to tape it just in case he becomes president (which I think he will be), so that means having to stay up until at least 9:30 AM. You know me, I usually go to sleep at 4am and wake up at about 4pm. His cavalcade will be driving down I-5 tomorrow, visiting Portland, Salem, Eugene and Medford. Anyway, this is kinda why I want to join the Politics and Religion forums, to see what you guys and gals think of this whole election thing (Obama's pastors, McCain easily winning the Republicans over, etc.)


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