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Awesome Foursome



I got four Atari 2600 games in the mail today. They were Eggomania, Entombed, Gopher, and No Escape!, along with Medieval Mayhem brings my total to 213. That is if you count my repros of Elk Attack and Ixion. The only other thing I'm getting this month is Mario Kart Wii which comes out a week from tomorrow. Next month, I plan on getting some more Atari 2600 games via a wanted post. I'd post right now, but I hardly have any money, and god forbid Wii games cost $40 instead of $50.

It was snowing here earlier. Some I didn't see, and when I was out shopping, I saw some fall. Well, it was kind of snow. It wasn't really hail, either. It was actually kind of like ice falling from the sky but looked kind of like snow. Well, it's supposed to get near freezing tonight so I might see real full-fledged snow tonight. Which is weird because it's April 19.


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