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HERO today...



I got HERO today in the mail, so I now have 225 Atari 2600 games which means I only have 75 more to go until I reach 300. Also, I'm working on GoSub for Oric Basic, for those of you who don't read the Homebrew Discussion forums. I doubt very many people even know what an Oric is. I'm from the United States and I've never even heard of it until I read the Minigame Compo back years archive 2 years ago. Well, I was looking through trying to find out how to program for it, and one of the sound effects was PING! and once I heard it, I instantly thought of GoSub. So, after a few test runs, I'm working full steam on it. For an Oric emulator, google "Euphoric", since it's the one I use. And you can download the latest tape here ("=" is the submarine, "-" is the walls, "M" is the octopus, and "#" is the treasure.)


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