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Black NES carts



For some reason or another, I really like the black NES carts used by Tengen for their unlicensed releases. Maybe it's the shape, maybe it's the label design, i don't know, but i really like them. So i'm trying to get a complete set. I may have talked about this in an earlier blog (like a year or so ago), but i have found more since. So here is the list as it stands:

+After Burner


+Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom




+RBI Baseball

+RBI Baseball 2

+RBI Baseball 3

+Rolling Thunder

+Skull and Crossbones

+Super Sprint




which means that i'm missing the following (if you can help me out in this, i thank you)

+Alien Syndrome

+Fantasy Zone

+Ms. Pac-Man

+Road Runner




Oh, and I got Pinball Hall of Fame: Williams Collection for Wii. I've played it a little, and the controls are a bit weird. You use the trigger on the nunchuk for the left flipper and the trigger on the Wiimote for the right flipper. It has Pin-Bot on it, and I'm more familiar with the NES version because I've been playing it since I was a kid, so it's kind of interesting to see the actual pinball table version of it (I still like the NES version better, though.) I played a little bit of Klax on the NES yesterday, my second-favorite black NES cartridge (the first being Pac-Mania. You can't beat Pac-Man jumping over ghosts. It kind of defeats the purpose to introduce jumping ghosts in the later levels like they did, but oh well.) Well, that's it for now.


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