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My new games



Today I got my copies of Asses of Fire and Isaiah's Wii Chase. I haven't played either yet, I'll do that tomorrow, though. Along with Alien Greed 1 & 2, I now have 4 limited edition games. That will go to 7 once Elvira, GoSub 2 and Alien Greed 3 come out. I've been tinkering in my mind with a possibility of doing an Asses of Fire sequel, this time it might be kind of a Lost Vikings-style game in which you need both of them to complete the game. Terrance would have the ability to jump, while Phillip has the ability to fart. I don't know what uses farting could have, though. I like to think of Asses of Fire as part platform, part puzzle. I've noticed that in some screens, you have to figure out how to safely pass, and then do it. I'd like to continue this tradition with Asses of Fire 2. The only drawback to doing this would be up would be jump because fire would be to switch between characters. And, I'll have more than one enemy. For example, in a possible underwater world, sharks; while in a possible other city world (with background buildings), the enemy would be renegade garbage cans. I don't know, I'm just publicly brainstorming here, so feel free to comment.


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