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Atari 2600: After the Crash



I was but a baby when it happened. But a few years later around 1990, I got an NES. And then they went all out on my birthday in November 1991 when I got a SNES. And then on my birthday in 1996, I can remember being excited when i opened the big box and found an N64 inside. But back to the mid '80s. Right now in my collection, i'm currently fixated on post-crash titles, especially 1988 and after. Don't know why, maybe it's because i'm fascinated on how short life cycles for the current-gen systems are, i'm amazed that 11 years after a video game system was made, there were still games coming out for it. So I've got four coming my way (Desert Falcon, Sprintmaster, Double Dunk and Radar Lock). I need to do some research on other games about R4 that came out after the crash. Anyway, my goal is to have 300 Atari 2600 games by the end of 2009. I don't know how realistic a goal that is. this january, i'll put up a blog entry on how i did at acquiring 2600 games this year. Well, anyway, i need to practice staying up all night in case it snows. Yes, snow is a rare event in Salem, so i'd like to be awake to see it falling. It's not supposed to snow just quite yet, but i'd like to be able to stay awake once they're "threatening" it. Well, good night.


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