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Comcast changes



Ever since I moved to the outskirts of South Salem, reception of a local TV station has been, well, lookit. Crappy, huh? Well, anyway, we got that letter from Comcast about how they're forcing people to get a box to continue receiving channels 32-71. They'll be at our community on November 20, so mom will go down there and hopefully get stuff so we'll be ready once January comes. Why I'm mentioning this is because the letter states with the change being made, one of their enhancements include "Ability to add dozens of new standard definition networks." Does this mean that we'll finally get something back higher than channel 71; and maybe, just maybe, KWVT (which is not on the Comcast lineup)? I don't know why their channel lineup capabilities have been filled up, despite there being nothing on channels 9, 11, 14, 15, 28 and 68. Why not just move some channels to fill up their empty spots so the channels end once they reach 65? I guess we'll just have to wait until the mighty evil Comcast decides what to add, if anything. This will be interesting.


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