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The bullet, levels & other ideas



The little bit of feedback so far shows contraversy surrounding how the bullet is to be handled. I'll let this brew a while longer. Considering the bouncy bullet a game variation or powerup. One way or another, no camping on the fire button throughout the game.The new version of bb is coming very soon. I'm going to have to make the call to stick with this version, or rewrite for the newer one. Honestly, all the features necessary for a solid game are in alpha0.2. The gosub bug & bit compare bug are not huge issues for me and my game does not use some of the other buggy functions. All in all, it's solid.So, the rewrite will come down to a coupla things:- will I gain space by using new language features? If so, I'll go for it as space is tight. Not too tight to keep the game from happening, but tight enough to force tough choices.- does the display kernel do something new?- do the new features enable choices I don't have right now?Those are the biggies. So, no new development until more feedback comes in and alpha 0.3 has been evaluated.


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