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Richard H. has offered me a free MemCard to experiment with on my 7800 (which should be arriving some time this week-- Check the "Good Deal on a 7800" thread to check it out) which solves the problem of program storage. The MemCard will be a better fit for this project than the AtariVox would have been because I'm not going to be using the speech capabilities of the AtariVox anyway.Maybe if this thing ever makes it to a cartridge release (speaking of which, what is the current state of homebrew on the 7800? Can we make cartridges yet?) it can come bundled with a MemCard, like StarFox 64 and the Rumble Pak did back in the day. Just kidding, my first system was not an N64. But once I get the MemCard and the 7800 and track down a CC2, I'll have the full development system up and running.Meanwhile, I'm starting to try to write code for the interpreter, but I can't find a good 7800 emulator for OS X anywhere. MESS runs, but when I download the 7800 ROM image and put it in my ROMs folder, the emulator still doesn't see that it can emulate the 7800. Frustration City. I'll keep working on it.The language itself is pretty much firm... I'll try to post a final draft of some sort of a specification once I get it done.


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