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A trip to the local game shop.....



Took a bike ride over to Videogames Etc. in Norridge today. I stopped in for the first time in years a week ago and picked up some nice stuff: sealed Journey Escape and a couple random loose SNES and 2600 carts.


I went back today because I have a dead Turbo Grafx. Its a second system I've owned for a long time, my #1 system is in top working shape and currently connected. I got this one as part of a bundle on ebay with some games or controllers or something a while back (the seller listed it as dead). Well last time I was in Videogames Etc. I noticed that they repair systems so I figured I'd give it a try.


I had originally planned to stop in yesterday but I got rained out of my bike ride so I put it off until today. I called yesterday afternoon at work to inquire about repairing the TG-16. The guy said it would be $35 minimum and asked if I was interested in buying one since they sell refurbished units for $65. I said I was not interested and that this was a backup unit anyways that is just laying around. I also have a broken Turbo Tap and he said that would not be worth it to fix since he would charge me the $35 minimum on that as well (and clearly it is worth much less). So I told him to expect to see me soon, that I would bring the unit in and let him have a crack at it.


I stopped in this evening and was greeted by a fellow who I could tell was not the same person I spoke to on the phone. No matter - I explained myself and he went through the same initial questions regarding the minimum repair fee and availability of refurbished units. I declined and he asked what was wrong with it: I replied that it was dead and would not power on. He asked if I had tried other cables, etc... to which I was mildly insulted but I let it slide, I'm sure they get many fools coming through their doors daily. Then he suddenly stressed that it would certainly be much more then $35 because of 'parts' and that it might not be fixable at all, yet they would charge me $35 for even opening it. This was a bit shocking but I didn't yet argue.


Then he told me that I couldn't get it fixed for at least another week. I said I didn't care and reiterated that this was a backup system and had no priority to me. Then he finalized the idiocy by informing me that the person who repairs the systems is not in and won't be in for at least a week. I said that didn't matter to me, I was happy to leave it here until then. He said that would be impossible unless he charged me the $35 non refundable right then and there!


At this point I tried to stay calm and asked about the signs displayed behind the counter explaining that they REPAIR VIDEO GAME SYSTEMS HERE. He half joked that he would be 'glad to take my money', which might have been funny had we not had such an unpleasant exchange.


I carried on to pick up the games I already knew they had which I wanted and one other I was looking for:


1) Commando Raid (US Games). I recently set the TG Emu WR on this title at around 75,000 points and want to start taking on the console record. I would prefer a boxed copy but this will do for now.

2) Towering Inferno (US Games). I have not submitted at all on this title but I've been playing it on Stella for fun recently and would like to play it on the real deal. This was a steal: shrink wrapped for only 6.99.

3) Enduro (Activision). This makes 15 of the 33 'original' label Activision games which I own boxed (I already have all 33 in simple cart form in their own case). Shrink wrapped, $5.99. I picked up a similar condition and priced copy of Barnstorming there during my last visit.

4) Winter Games (EPYX). I just got a strange bundle on ebay for VERY cheap ($2) that includes the box and instructions for this game but not the cart. I have never even experimented with the title but I plan to. The ebay bundle also includes box/cart (no manual) for Barnstorming and River Raid. Both will be doubles for box form Activision titles (excluding the simple carts I also have, separately) and I even have a spare Barnstorming manual.


I had not planned to carry the TG-16 back home with me and it really complicated things as I needed to stop at the grocery store and my Patagonia Critical Mass messenger bag is not built for carrying the load that it did. But somehow it (and I) survived.


Making up for the garbage inside Videogames Etc. were three things:


1) The excellent (!) service and food at Middle Eastern Flair which is right next door. It is only my second time there but I spent the time enjoying free samples and conversation with the owner, Tim.

2) I came home to a phone message from William Carlton. No, I'm not kidding. And no, we are not childhood friends. The nature of me receiving this message is a bit wild and perhaps I will comment on it another time. To be honest at the moment I am a bit nervous to even return the call! If you don't know who Bill is, FIND OUT.

3) Got a bottle of Wasmund's Single Malt for $19.99 on sale which is essentially half price.





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It's obvious that they don't actually repair systems but just sell "refurbished" systems. Well, they might do some repairs; but probably only trivial stuff which there is a known solution.

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It's obvious that they don't actually repair systems but just sell "refurbished" systems. Well, they might do some repairs; but probably only trivial stuff which there is a known solution.


No doubt, the place stinks.

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