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Patch Scores - Revised



I don't think that many disagree that the 2600 patch scores set my Activision are often times too low. Specifically I'd like to discuss what I consider to be three of the most important games in their all-star roster. They also happen to be three games I consider most important...both to myself personally and to historical gaming.


River Raid at 15,000 is not very serious. Even a cursory gamer can achieve this in a short while.


Frostbite at 40,000 is almost equally as bad. At 75,000 I might still consider it not challenging enough but at least it would be fair.


Seaquest at 50,000 is just as bad. While this title and Frostbite are at least slightly respectable, considering the awesome gameplay they offer you, they should have indulged the player to strive for more.


I understand that it was a commercial interest at heart. Having their customer send in photographs and earning merchandise in return was simply a way to maintain interest in the brand. And I have no problem with that, in fact, I applaud the way they went about it. Considering the amazing scores documented on all three titles, I'd say that I have far from mastered them, yet I have set my own standards.


Both Frostbite and Seaquest should be set at an even 100K. I can put that score up 1 out of 3 times I'd say if not better. The patch score isn't supposed to be a Billy Mitchell style shooting gallery, but it needs to be worthy of a player who has done his homework. I have a 116K posted for the emulator - exposing the famous fish was a reward enough for me!




River Raid is amongst another breed. For all the platforms on which the title was released, it seems pretty clear that the 2600 holds the most difficult and fast-moving gameplay. So I understand why it was set at 15 compared to the 35/40K range on other systems. But the this title is so addictive that it spawns obsession. Owning the game itself can only lead to obsessive repeated game play and hopefully (in the hands of a true gamer) the construction of real strategy. In keeping with the numerology set by the other two titles, I think that half a century seems fair.


I have only scored over 50,000 once and it is not documented. However, I have scored over 40K many times and I have a two currently on tape (42090 being the highest). My real goal is 63,000 which will surpass a number of competitors on Twin Galaxies - my own personal measuring stick.


Tonite I sat down to do some real damage on Seaquest. I currently have a paltry 75,000 on game B for Seaquest EMU. I set out to handle that and also to take care of the game A variation, for which no score existed.








I had never before really tampered with game A...the slower missile fire lends itself well to more accurate steered shooting which is all but lost given the hard shot of RR and Seaquest on the 2600 (this is one of the reasons RR is so much easier on other platforms). I did not break 100K but I'll take that score to the bank given my disability of slower fire. I improved my old game B score by 35,000 points or so and I am happy with that at least for now.


Afterward I sat down on the actual console and was just under 100K. I recently started playing with a Sega Genesis controller on my 2600 as I am far too accustomed to the d-pad on my Logitech USB controller (for my emulator/PC, where I have done so much gaming). River Raid is just as easy, and in a way fun with the joystick but Seaquest and its 'silent runnings' is nearly impossible with the inaccuracy of a joystick. Call it a crutch - I don't care.


There is only one score posted for game A on the actual console for Seaquest. Unfortunately it is maxed out at 999,999 - simply amazing! That won't stop me from posting my own ~100K for the next round of submissions.


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2 off the world record, and yes I will get to 38! Even if its sharing the high score I want it bad 70416d198970dac80cb5990ebd37951abbbfb8a2.JPG


wow! i hope you are documenting these with video for submission to twin galaxies!

though for what its worth, i have probably 10 scores (over 3 hours of actual videotape) which i submitted with all the paperwork and logs months ago and still have not been put up as there has been changes in the referee for the 2600. in fact, im going to email again (i never get responses) asking what the status is of my submissions and also of getting a new ref!

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My plan on Freeway is to get the record first, I have been stuck at 36 for about 2 weeks, and I know what im doing wrong, the only problem is that fixing whats wrong takes a move that has to be timed so close to the bumper of a car that the move is pure luck when you pull it off. But I want to do it first maybe a do it a couple times then I will record it and send it in to TG.

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speaking as a world record holder 66 times over and with well over 100 ranked verified scores i have one piece of advice. roll the camera 24/7. set up the camera, hit record and just play freeway for an hour. if you dont get anything decent, delete it. because you dont know when that score is coming, if you could accurately predict it youd do it right now. start recording all the time, and dont stop.

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