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Pac Man vs The Hippo



Harry Potter and his friend Marcus had just located the secret Book of Souls. They opened it up to the first page:


"Well if it isn't this mischievous boy they call Potter. This is Uncle Batman. I have for you a secret message that you must decode in order to enter into the forbidden maze. If you can decode the message then you have finally proven yourself a man and as a reward you can ride the enchanted hippo free of charge (of course after you find your way through the maze - MWA-HAHAHAHA!!!). Here is the message:


11-18-29-20-27 30-29-12-19-31-18 27-31-12-13 26-23-13-24"


After several minutes Harry and Marcus cracked the code and uttered the secret phrase aloud (scroll to the bottom to see how to decode if you are unable to figure it out).


Suddenly, the chamber walls opened to reveal sparkling purple, white, and brown flowing glass. A voice from above spoke: "My children, this is the flowing glass of Pac Man. If you touch the glass you will die, but if you drink from the glass you will live." Harry and Marcus could not understand this riddle.


"You need to touch something in order to drink it," Harry said to Marcus. Suddenly Marcus realized. "But Harry, the voice said 'drink FROM the glass'." The boys looked and there was a drinking glass hidden behind one of the curtains. The glass was filled with a strange red liquid. Marcus handed the glass to Harry. "You drink it! Yuck!"


Harry smelled the liquid and it smelled like rubber. "Welp, here goes!" Harry held his nose and drank down the mixture. For a few seconds he felt nothing, but then his world began changing. Pac Man appeared to him out of the silky white strings of light. "Hello Harry. It is I, Pac Man. The Hippo is waiting for us at the other side of the maze. I will be your guide. The passageways through the maze are very thin. There is only room for you and I. You will have to leave Marcus behind." Harry looked back to find Marcus but he had already disappeared.


"Ok Pac Man," said Harry, a bit nervous. "I will follow you, but only if you grant me a wish. My father had left a dying request that before I become a man I must find the Potter family skeleton key." Pac Man smiled a loving, all-knowing smile. "Harry, the key that you seek is already inside of you. And I have a replica key made of brass that I will give to you the moment we ride the hippo."


"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you Pac Man! C'mon, let us go into the maze!"


To be continued.....























To decode the secret message subtract each number from 32, and that is the corresponding letter in the alphabet.

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