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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 2



"What sort of a maze is this?" wondered Harry. "This is a maze of cheese," said Pac Man. As far and wide as Harry could see there were beautiful quartz crystal like structures. "I've never seen cheese like this," said Harry, scratching behind his ear. "This is head cheese, Harry. Head cheese is the most beautiful cheese that God ever created. Let me show you." Pac Man grabbed a spade and began digging into a halfed crystal of cheese. "As you dig deeper you find beautiful colors and patterns. The purple cheese is very mild. Here, have a piece."


Harry took a bite and his nose began to wiggle. Soon a few hairs began sprouting out from under his nose. "Oh no, Pac Man! I'm turning into a mouse! What kind of a trick is this?" Pac Mac laughed and laughed. "Oh, Harry, you're not turning into a mouse. Look at your chest." Harry felt his chest and found that some hairs had sprouted there too. "Does this mean that I'm a man, Pac Man?" asked Harry. "Not yet, Harry, but you are getting hairier!" BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Everyone in the maze had a good laugh.


"Did you hear that, Pac Man? I think I heard someone laughing on the other side of this hallway." Harry and Pac Man raced over to find out. Sure enough, there was Slimer, eating some cheese. "Hi Slimer, enjoying some cheese are we?" asked Pac Man slyly. "The cheese here is so delicious. I've been trapped in this maze for 25 years. I have no reason to find my way out."


"But don't you want to find the hippo?" asked Harry.


"No, Harry, I don't," explained Slimer, "I heard that the hippo is very mean and will not let you ride him. In fact he may eat you if you ever find him."


Harry turned to Pac Man. "Is this true?"


"Don't worry, Harry," said Pac man. "If the hippo gives us any trouble I will fight him. I have a sword made of obsidian, a volcanic rock known as black glass. Would you like to see it?"


"Sure," said Harry. Pac Man whipped out the dazzling black sword. Harry held it in his hands and for the first time he understood the sacrifices of his father.


"This was my father's sword, wasn't it?"


"Yes, Harry, it was," explained Pac Man. "Your father was a noble warrior. He loved you and your mother dearly. He had to fight the Krompus in order to protect you. The Krompus is not dead, only sleeping. Rumor has it that he will return soon. And it is you who he will be after."


Harry smiled nervously. This was his destiny, he thought. The reason for this jorney was not just to ride the hippo but to avenge his father's death.



To be continued.....


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