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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 6



Before beginning this episode we have an urgent message from Pac Man:


"Hello local Craigslist community. Recently I posted a Curb Alert in the Free section. This Curb Alert was meant

ONLY for items near the curb. My daughter's air conditioner, which was sitting on the side of our house (we were

waiting on a valve), was stolen this past Friday. If whoever took it would please return it ASAP we will not involve

the police."


And now we will hear from Dr. Alkens of the Notting Hill Home for Lost Souls on how Harry Potter is doing.


"Greetings film and book enthusiasts. Harry is doing just fine here. He was brought in because of a bug bite on

his right hand. We've put some ointment on that and we're praying for the best. His mental health is satisfactory.

We've run some memory and word association tests and he's aced them all. His only reason for remaining here is that

his heart is just too big. It's bordering on cracking part of his rib cage. We believe the culprit is gas.

We've tried to keep him on a diet free from gassy foods, but apparently he has quite a bit built up. We're all

staying optimistic and hope he'll be out of here in a week or so. Please hang in there and try your best to enjoy

the show without Master Potter. He sends his love and kisses and wishes all of you a safe and pleasant

Boiler's Day Holiday."


And now a brief commercial for Tylex:


"Every kid has the back to school blues. Why not hang ten with Tylex?! Tylex comes in several removable forms:

hair, comb, aftershave, relaxant - and that's just for surfaces! Breathe in deeply and take comfort in knowing

YOU'RE in charge. No bubbles, no troubles, no wax, no cracks - it's Tylex! Feel the difference at night - at

work - in the carpet. No more wrestling with car keys and pesky open door lights. The fan can't stop spinning.

Tylex Tylex grow grow grow. Not to be abbreviated under contract of the law."


And now the monotone voice of Clarg to commentate on Slimer's progress in the maze:


"So Slimer's digging in the walls again. Yep. He just got a nice blue piece. Yum. That looked good.

Yikes. He's digging for more. Ah. A hot pink slice. I bet that piece was sharp. Wait a sec here.

Oh my. He's got a green piece. Just wonderful. Yummy. He ate that one too. These walls are getting

thinner folks. He loves digging in these walls. Mmmm. Yellow. That looked good. Here we go again..."


To be continued....


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