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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 9



The audience sits chattering and anxious in a darkened auditorium.


And then...




The crowd erupts into wild cheer and applause.


The curtains open and we see Harry Potter, equipped with brand new mechanical legs, dressed in a starlight

white leotard and royal cape with flashing lights up his thighs.


Intoxicating techno beats blast from speakers as smoke fills the stage. Digitally altered female voices sing:


"I'm back! I'm back! I'm b-aaaaa--ck, baby back baby back!"


Harry waves his arms back and forth and lurches from one end of the stage to the next.


Slick Pete sits in the back row with his fedora on and racing stubs sticking out of the side.


"That kid's a star," he says in his best detective's voice.


The girls are screaming, the boys are fist pumping.


Wires lift Harry into the sky and he flies over all his adoring fans, blowing them kisses.


It was a dream come true. Harry Potter was back. He'd been away for what seemed like an eternity, but the wait

was well worth it. This was a performance of the ages. He'd been through so much this year, he'd overcome so

many obstacles, and true to his word he returned for his fans. This night was his and his alone. He's a star at

the peak of his life and there's nothing that could bring him down. That's the good ole boy, Harry, flying

high in the sky showering his love on the world. The world was his and they all loved him.


"I love you," he mouthed over and over again.


And then from behind the stage came The Pac, flaunting some leather, and all he could do was breakdance. Breakdance

all night long. This was for the kid. The Pac felt him. This was Harry's night. Everyone in the crowd let loose.

That night nothing at all in the world mattered. Everyone was feeling the vibe, the love. And it seemed like

everyone's emotions were all boiled up into that one endless breakdance. It was for the kid. "Har-ry! Pot-ter!

Har-ry! Pot-ter!" they kept chanting. He's the comeback kid. We all wished it would last forever, and in a way

it did.


To be continued...


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