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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 11



Mr. Harry Potter sits in a white oak chair in a dimly lit room.


Potter: "They all stole it from me."


Voice of Reason: "I don't understand."


Potter: "All of my ideas. They took all of my ideas."


Voice of Reason: "Give me an example."


Potter: "I...I, well...there isn't just one example. It's so blatent. I..I...it isn't fair."


Voice of Reason: "Let's discuss your relationship with your father."


Potter: "No."


A telephone rings. The Voice of Reason answers.




"Hi, this is Egon Spengler. We, the ghostbusters, have made a decision. We will be making a brief appearance tonight

at the Tin Chin (Korean restaurant) to discuss the situation."


"Splendid. Potter and I will see you there."


Harry sits staring blankly into the distance.


Potter: "Everything I've worked for. None of it matters now. It's all in pieces, all over the place."


Voice of Reason: "You need to give specifics."


Potter: "They...they pick out pieces."


Voice of Reason: "What pieces?"


Potter: "Everything...it's just...well.."


Voice of Reason: "You know the ghostbusters are coming to the Tin Chin."


Potter: "It doesn't matter."


Voice of Reason: "It will help alot of people, yourself included."


Potter: "No one can help me."


Voice of Reason: "You're being selfish. Think about Pac Man."


Potter: "I created Pac Man."



To be continued...


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