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Some things just take too long...



Such as updating a blog, for instance. I started this thing a few years back, and then promptly forgot about it, having retained my blog on Livejournal and then later moving it over to Myspace. Even the Myspace blog has been neglected for quite a while, due to me never going to that site anymore. So where does that leave me? It's left me blogless for the last year or so.


I think it's time to revive this mofo. My life has taken a few interesting twists and turns in the last several years, but I've given that story elsewhere. Since I'd rather not continue to write about my own life, as I am pretty much a private person, this blog will focus on things pertaining to this hobby. I'll try to keep this thing at least semi-regularly updated, so take heed: Sauron is back. :twisted:


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The nice thing about the AA blog is that people actually *read* it.. With MySpace or Live Journal, you are relegated to entertaining the two or three people that actually still use those sites.. :)

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The nice thing about the AA blog is that people actually *read* it.. With MySpace or Live Journal, you are relegated to entertaining the two or three people that actually still use those sites.. :lust:


Yes, definitely true. I write more to just write rather than to have an audience, though, but it's nice to know that someone reads what I spent time writing.

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