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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 15



Two bearded dreamers sit on matching lazy green sofas in the red button room.


"Paul, you've been procrastinating the Pac Man vs The Hippo painting for too long. Just do

the damn thing. You said it would only take you 20 minutes to paint it."


"I haven't gotten around to buying the canvas and I need new paints. I'll do it next

weekend when I get my paycheck."


"That's what you said last weekend!"


*Canned laughter*


"No one figured out the puzzle yet anyhow. No one's going to figure it out. What good is a

prize without a winner?"


"We'll put it on Ebay or GameGavel or something. We'll advertise it in the Marketplace forum.

People will bid on it."


"Yeah right."


"Paul....like EVERYONE is totally obsessed with the Pac Man vs The Hippo series. Didn't you

read that one post where they said how obsessed everybody was over it? It was all that this

one guy cared about in his entire life!"


"Yeah, I guess you're right. Pac Man vs The Hippo does mean a lot to people. It would be a

real letdown if I didn't get the painting done."


"Yes. Think of all your fans. Soon the blog will have 1000 views! 1000! And only half of

them are from us re-clicking repeatedly!"


*Canned laughter*


The two men sip their coffee.


"Well, Paul, I hate to kick you out but I need my 'alone time' now."


"Ah...still shooting up between the toes?"


"Yep. Gotta hide it from the kids!"


*Canned laughter*


"I understand. Keep up the good work with the Harry Potter story. It really means alot to

people. I'm not just being nice, that's the truth."


"I know, Paul. I know it's the greatest piece of work in American history. Now you get that

painting done, you hear?!"


Paul does a little cabbage patch face and scurries out the door.


Looking up into the sky - "What am I going to do with him?!"


*Canned laughter*


"Now where's that damn syringe?"


*Canned laughter*


Before looking under the cushion I set down my coffee mug on the red coaster.




To be continued....


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