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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 16



Hello AtariAge members:


This is CatScraps' mom. CatScraps took her life yesterday evening. Our family is still

trying to deal with this so excuse me if I make any mistakes. One of her final requests

is that I inform the AtariAge community of her ultimate decision and that I continue to write

the Pac Man vs The Hippo blog series. According to her it meant al ot to so many people here.

I just don't know why she chose to do this. I work 2 jobs but I will do my best to continue

the story (I haven't had time to read any of them yet but I will). CatScraps was a

quiet woman but she loved her cats, and she felt very close to the people of AtariAge. If you

are wondering we have decided to keep her Atari collection with the family so her games are

not for sale. Sorry. I will continue her legacy that she devoted most of her time to,

Pac Man vs The Hippo, as soon as things quiet down here with the funeral and everything

else we have to deal with. This is the first time our family has had to deal with something

like this. Please don't be sad. Her spirit lives on in the Pac Man vs The Hippo stories.


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