NATHAN has probably given up all hope, but never fear! I am actually working on it, though veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy slowly...
Most of what little I've done so far is simple stuff to help me understand the code better.
I did, however, get one of Nathan's new hand graphic sets in, and I cleaned up the scanline counts and some of the transitions where the screen would jitter or jump. And I changed the copyright date.
Lot's still to do:
; To do: ; ; fix scanline count so it is an even number and consistent all the time: ; PARTIALLY DONE - scanline count is good on title screen (262) and select screen (262) and transition between them is solid. ; note: screen rolls if you hold down RESET!!! ; note: scanline count jumps when you press SELECT - FIXED! ; get new graphics from Nathan Strum in. ; PARTIALLY DONE. male_ graphics in, need to add code to support two (or more?) sets of hand graphics ; rewrite music to make smaller (in terms of both ROM and RAM) and add it in ; modify title screen to reflect ; additional contributions, ; possible fancy graphic from Nathan (?) ; DONE - new date ; Make game options visible from the beginning (?) ; make default options single-player, medium difficulty (question: Are there different difficulties?) ; make controls more intuitive? With more feedback? Add prompts (e.g., "Hold trigger to begin") ; more sound effects? ; allow start of new game with fire button ; make hand movement more natural not just linear up-down-up-down-etc. ; add game-over state and logic (currently, game never ends, win or lose) ; add some kind of "campaign" mode (?), complete with boss (?) (get feedback from Nathan about alternate boss hands, ; like robot, monster, or just bigger. Add code to unlock that is shown if you beat the game.) ; AtariVox/SaveKey support?
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