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E.T. : The Burning Inner Sun that is Lucifer's Clock - Chapter 1



E.T. : The Burning Inner Sun that is Lucifer's Clock


Chapter 1


7:11 P.M., Saturday, May 27th, 2023. Our story begins on this date, at this time, in the quiet

town of Pancreuddium, Pennsylvania. Thomas Saucin, 19 years old, an engineering student at Penn

State University has just returned home for summer break. He relaxes on a sofa in his parent's

basement. Down there his world is a snapshot of the mid 2000's. The bulky television set in

the corner shows The Office in syndication on one of its 10 or so working channels - the low D

channels left for the poor and elderly. But Tom isn't really watching TV. He's mind-linked

with his girlfriend Chrissie through his I-Eye.


"I-Eye Chrissie, it's Tom!" he poots. Pooting with the I-Eye is awkward at first, but you get

used to it. Once the device is connected to your head slot, depending on how much memory you

purchase, you are given that much external mind space to poot with. You then choose which

friends you want to link your mind space with, and bingo - telepathy! Pooting thoughts, images,

feel, taste, love, etc into the external mind space takes practice, but the kids have caught

onto it rather quickly. It feels sort of like holding back a sneeze.


"Hi, Tom! I hope you have fun on your break! I wish I could be ---" Her poot

is cut off by a visual ad for Bud Light. In the upper corner of his vision Tom sees a few buds

cracking open some cold ones by a grill. "Dammit, I really need to download a crack so I can

get the registered version," Tom thinks, careful not to let that poot through to his

external mind space. I mean Tom isn't stupid. He's aware of the possibility of hackers getting

into one's external mind space, not to mention Apple or the police or the federal government if

they really had a reason to. But Tom's a good boy. That shouldn't be a problem for him.


"Zyychhr...Tom? Hello? I lost you."


"Hey Chrissie. I'm here. Just an ad. I need to buy the registered version soon. So what are

your plans for the summer?"


Tom poots himself rubbing his hand down Chrissie's shoulder.


"Oh I don't even know yet," Chrissie poots, her head resting snugly on Tom's shoulder.


"Yeah, me neither. Wow, are you getting this overwhelming feeling of love from the Chinese?"


"Yeah," Chrissie laughs, "they're crazy."


Several people in China have devoted their lives to pooting love and only love into their external

mind space. It has become popular for young Americans to link with these Chinese people. It's

even promoted in the media as an alternative to drugs and alcohol. Many religious leaders fear

that the I-Eye is taking the place of organized religion, and some Christians have gone so far

as to call it the mark of the beast.


Tom poots his hand moving down Chrissie's side and onto her thigh.


"Well, I better go now. I don't want to waste all of my memory. I love you, Tom."


"I love you, too, Chrissie."


Chrissie poots him a kiss and disconnects.


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