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E.T.: The Burning Inner Sun that is Lucifer's Clock - Chapter 6



Chapter 6


It wasn’t all smiles after that speech at the capital you know. In fact most people walked away disconcerted.


“Drinking kills brain cells and makes you fat. I thought this movie job would be serious. I am a film major and take my studies very seriously,” said one woman who preferred to remain anonymous.


“My father is an alcoholic. I’ve experimented with alcohol before and it isn’t pretty. The whole thing is just laughable. He’s so out of touch. I’m taking the next bus home. Let the fools get killed on that ladder,” said Eric.


Other people echoed similar sentiments. All in all close to 60% of the students left before the sun went down that first day. The director must have overlooked an increasing trend toward sobriety that had taken hold over the last couple of years. Drinking was out. Pooting was in. Well it was in. Once you’ve experienced the I-Eye nothing really seems that cool anymore. And that was the biggest problem. For most it was back home for a boring, depressing summer. But Tom and Chris were sticking it out.


“All the hot chicks left,” said a concerned Tom to his friend Chris, bunking in the bed above him.


“Yuengling is good. It’s early still. People will show up.”


“I can hear the band tuning. Everyone’s probably up there.”


“FUCK THAT ISLAND!” yelled an agitated Chris.


“Alright, sorry, man.”


The two sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the swallowing of liquid.


“So what’s your last name?” asked Tom, breaking the silence.


“Farley. Chris Farley. My dad was a big Chris Farley fan. Probably because they had the same last name. So yeah, I’m named after Chris Farley.”


“You sorta look like him,” commented Tom, already quite buzzed.


“Shut up.”


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