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Pac Man vs The Hippo pt 35



Here with us tonight we have Marilyn Vos Savant, the beautiful young actress who played Mayor Elaine Walsh in the recent film E.T.: The Burning Inner Sun that is Lucifer’s Clock.


Harry Potter: Welcome, Marilyn.


Marilyn: Thank you, Harry. My pleasure.


Harry: I understand you and your family just got back from a vacation in Ocean City, MD. How did that go? Beautiful tan by the way.


Marilyn (laughs): Oh thank you. It was very relaxing. I did anal with Paul Revere.


Harry: Oh you did? How precious. Do you like lobsters?


Marilyn: Yes I like to lick and smack around lobsters.


Harry: Very good. Very good. Now let’s talk about the AtariAge forums.


Marilyn: My pleasure. I post on the AtariAge forums under the name Random Terrain.


Harry: Very good then. Do you like pee pee and poo poo jokes?


Marilyn: Yes I do. Please tell me one.


Harry: A man walks up to a beautiful temptress named Iodine. He puts on three belt buckle hats. One is named Art Decco, one is named Art Rico, and one is Pee Pee Poo Poo!


Marilyn: Ho ho ho ho!!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling.


Harry: Here let me adjust that for you.


The two begin doing social work at the YMCA.


Harry: Your role as a seductive temptress must have been quite the rush. Did you give any handouts?


Marilyn: Yes I give to the American Red Cross and Abortion.


Harry: That’s all the time we have for tonight, coon hounds! We’ll leave the light on for ya!


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