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Nothing is worse than being on salaried pay and having to work an extra day a week for the past 2 weeks. Just last week, everyone else in the office was 'sick', who knows if it was legit or not.. but I was to distribute 12,000 flyers on a citywide home repair project. Dividing those between 8 people wouldnt be too bad, but it was just me. Talk about a waste of freakin time. I was very tempted to go to the nearest air force base, commandeer a C-130, load the cargo bay with those blasted flyers, cruise over the city, and open the cargo hold. Damn, I love to drive but even I am sick of it now!


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That sucks man.


I doubt that your co-workers were "sick". I think lazy is a better word to use.


This happens often where I work as well. I've had to cover for one of my co-workers who has been missing a lot of work lately due to car/housing situations. I try not to complain too much because my boss said that he'd give me the highest raise possible in November.


Just hang in there man. I worked 75 hours this week and 6 days instead of 5 and I can definitely relate with getting sick of driving to work.

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Damn bro, 75 hours?? Even when I was doing heavy machine labor I NEVER had a shift that long, but the good thing is the boss treats you well and dosent pull this stuff on you all the time.

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My boss at this job is just the coolest boss I've ever had. Really rad dude. You'd like him.


I actually feel redeemed after working so many hours. The folks where I work are starting to feel like family sometimes and I feel that some of them are starting to "warm up" to me.

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