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Super Giuseppe Bros. for Odyssey^2



Excuse me while I think out loud here. After I'm done with GoSub, I think I'll have a go at trying something nobody has done before: Creating a side-scrolling platform game for the Odyssey2, using stuff I've learned from the 50-foot-tall stalk of celery game. And it won't feature the celery. This is something new. Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to design a Mario-like game. I used to have drawings of levels for various "Super Mario Bros. 4" games I used to design. And I actually designed levels for a DKC-type game. Super Giuseppe Bros. ...or something. And while I'm writing this, I've been thinking. The game wouldn't have holes in it because they would look crappy scrolling. So to make it look like you're actually heading somewhere, the items will be the marker for your eyes. By "items" I mean I'll design trees and stuff as sprites. Sprite 0 will be Giuseppe, and there will be coins to get and enemies to avoid. But first I'll have to finish GoSub, which will be 2k. And if you think 2k is small, right now it has a title screen as well as 15 levels with room for plenty more. I've been planning the end to GoSub as well. It will have an ending screen to signify the end of the game. And after GoSub is finished, the real work of Super Giuseppe Bros. begins...


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