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I feel really zany. Must be all that Monty Python I've been watching lately. I dug up my old Monty Python CD I bought when I was a kid (yes, I've been watching Monty Python since I was a kid back when it aired on Comedy Central. Then A&E. Now it's nowhere, so I bought the entire series on DVD, which, oddly enough, is made by A&E. Figure that one out.) That and Frank Zappa. "Peaches En Regalia" is a cool song. Right now I'm listening to "The Gumbo Variations." Anyway, I've discovered that if you take the consonants in the word "seven" and replace them with the following letters of the alphabet, you get the word "two." What's even more scary, is if you add the vowels, you get two and an example of it: two f's. (tfwfo) And the stupid moths. I see some stupid moths every single day in my room and around the house. How do they get in here? Why do they want in so much? Where do they come in? Maybe the Bible is half right. It isn't a plague of locusts, it's a plague of moths. Every friggin' day. It's annoying, and it won't stop. I should tell Terminix the next time they come to apply some special moth killing chemicals. Oddly enough, though, moths are the only insect that comes in the house. We started Terminix cuz when we bought the house, carpenter ants were eating it. At least moths don't eat the house, but they do eat clothes, so I have to kill them when I see them. Maybe I should buy some moth balls and place them outside my room window.

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