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TI stands for Terrible Idea



I have a few harsh words for the moron that thought it necessary for a TI84+ to have a SPECIAL USB cable. No, an ordinary one won't work, you have to have a special one. Who thought that one up? Not being able to find mine, I had to order one on eBay. Luckily it didn't cost much ($6), but god, really? Maybe some techhead can tell me why it has to have a special USB cable made by Texas Instruments themselves in order to connect the thing to your computer. It's been since forever since I last saw it, and who knows, I might have thrown it out not thinking I needed it because gosh, a simple ordinary USB cable fits right in, but won't get the data from the calculator. Oh noooo, that would be too easy. After fussing around going through box after box of wires, I just gave up. I can picture it in my head, but damned if I know where it is. It's a miracle I still happen to have the calculator apparently. It's been sitting on the floor collecting dust, but I thought it would be a good idea to fire the thing up and work on my Mario Party game some more. I got it working wonderfully. Too bad I can't back up the changes I made WITHOUT THAT SPECIAL CORD. Apparently the last time I updated the game was a little over a year ago. Back when I apparently knew where the cord was.


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