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Super Mario Bros. Page update



I've updated my SMB1 page. http://www.atari2600land.com/smb1/ I put in a new section: references. Games that reference SMB1, be it with graphics or some other way. Most of them are from the WarioWare series, but there is one that isn't. Also added a new comic: #23 is now up. I make comics based on screenshots I make in my emulator. These are all actual screenshots, not sprite comics. So I doubt you'll ever see something that isn't possible to do in the game as a comic. Then, after I get an idea, I play the game and make it work. Sometimes it's vice versa: I play the game and wait for an idea. But this usually happens when I remember: "Hey, I should do another SMB1 comic!" So it's not really weekly like the page suggests. If anything, I would add a new comic on a Monday. I also put the WarioWare references off the Versions page and moved them to the References page. I should really get the game out and play it and try to break the 900,000 point mark.


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