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Mystery solved!



There was this song I first heard on a tape before I taped a Smothers Bros. album after it. I kept the song because I thought it was cool. I never knew the name of the song, nor the name of the band who played it. Fast forward about 10 years later. While looking through a tape I had found, I found my sister had taped some songs off MTV in 1996. One of the songs had just ended and she caught the last part of it. I immediately recognized the song as the mystery song on the audio tape (even though the tape unfortunately broke and have no way of getting the "Two Sides of the Smothers Bros." album unless I go on eBay.) Well, anyway, as it turns out, the mystery song is "Pepper" by the Butthole Surfers. So now I have to look for the album it's on, called "Electriclarryland." I like songs from the '90s. I call it the end of the rock era because all that's made now is unlistenable crap like hip-hop and stupid country music. Of course, there is still prog rock being made today (Dream Theater et al.) but it just doesn't capture the magic I felt in the '90s when rock was king and I was a kid.


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