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Crossword solving



Well, it's the second week in a row I was able to finish the Sunday crossword. Not the New York Times one, but another one that appears in my local paper. And this one was funny looking and not the usual type of shape I would expect from it. It had a big S in black squares in the center, and the letter S didn't appear in any of the words. In response, I made one with an E and a 3. Yes, I make Sunday crosswords now. Remember a while ago I said I'd make a crossword every day? Well, I've sort of given up on that and am now making one once a week. You can view, or print and solve, them at http://www.atari2600land.com/crosswords/ every Sunday I put a new one up. Today is August 19, and I did a special one for today's date about a little-known holiday. I played NBA Jam TE for the 32X last night. I didn't do very well, I lost two games and only won one. It's hard without the on fire all the time code. I tried putting it in but it doesn't work.


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