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Virtua Racing question



How do I play the friggin' game?! I'm going along and suddenly there's this hairpin curve. How do I take it WITHOUT my car going out of control and spinning out? I tried braking, I tried slowing down, I tried everything but all I do is spin out. It's driving me nuts! The other computer racers seem to take it just fine which isn't fair. Is there some secret they know and I don't? Of course, I guess it would help if you knew how to drive (I don't. Never bothered to get a driver's license.) And all the C button does is change the view! And Start pauses, and a combination of A and B doesn't work either, so what the heck am I supposed to do?! I guess it's just like all those other realistic racers where I can't figure out how to control the car and not make it look like I'm some crazy out of control driver.

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