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Super Giuseppe Bros. - level 2



Soon, I am going to program level 2. Level 1 (Paprika Plains - a tribute to the Joni Mitchell song) is finished. Level 2 will be falling down a hole, much like the second half of the Sunken Ghost Ship level of Super Mario World...or level 2 in the celery game. I think it will be easier to program, but I'll have to make a whole new loop for it because he's falling down, not going right. I don't know what to do if I go over 2k, though. Right now I'm at 1200 or so bytes. I think it would have to be 4k, which would make it my first 4k Odyssey2 game. But first, I have to figure out what the deal is with Jopac. Someone reported that the game doesn't work on their Jopac. Puzzled, I went to my O2EM and tried the game in Jopac mode and it works fine (although the colors are darker. Must be a PAL thing. A Jopac is a French Videopac.) So I don't know. I also don't know what to call level 2. Hominy Hole, perhaps? Or maybe keeping with the herbs and spices theme (some herb that starts with A) Abyss? I don't know of an herb or spice that starts with A, though. I bet there is one, though. Maybe I'll rummage through Mom's spices bin later and see what I can find. Or, better yet, ask her, or you. What's an herb/spice that starts with A? It's a Scattergories category that I always do terrible at, but unfortunately, I don't really play that game much any more. Why wasn't it ever a video game? If Boggle was programmed for the 2600, the DS or something could handle Scattergories if it can handle the entire Scrabble dictionary. Anyway, back on track here. Spices that start with A. What is one?


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