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new menu options



  • Magna-Mines are no longer tied to the level, there's now a menu option to control them.
  • Gamepad option.

The Magna-Mines need to have some tweaks to their speed, for one they're much too fast for the Kids level. I also had to modify the launch condition for the Magna-Mines, originally they appeared when 3 asteroids were onscreen, but that meant Kids and Easy levels started right away with a Magna-Mine because they began with 2 and 3 asteroids respectively. I changed it so the launch condition is based on the level: 1 asteroid for Kids, 2 for Easy, 3 for Normal and 4 for Hard.


When a player is using a gamepad the "down" feature is remapped to the 2nd firebutton. I've tested the gamepads listed below, though others may work:

  • Amiga CD32
    • Red = Fire
    • Blue = "down"


    • B = Fire
    • C = "down"

It would probably make sense to relabel the DOWN menu option as SPECIAL, but that doesn't leave enough room for SHIELDS to be selected. There's only enough room for 5 characters (though 6 could be squeezed in if one of them is an I). Any suggestions? If not I'll just leave it as DOWN.




Magna-Mines enabled, both players using joysticks



Magna-Mines disabled, player 1 using a gamepad



Player 2 using a gamepad



both players using a gamepad





At this point I have 6 things left on my To Do list, at which point I will consider the game in Release Candidate mode.

  1. change heartbeat timer to use a fractional decrement
  2. revise Manga-Mine speed logic to also consider the selected LEVEL
  3. saucer's targeting a stationary spot at end of round, need to fix that
  4. if possible, display high score on demo screen
  5. review easter egg
  6. fix bug that allows you to activate shields or hyperspace when you're dead








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You can fit the word SPECIAL by cutting out a letter in the word SHIELDS to SHIELD in the singular.


Seems I can't post attachments in the blog, so I'll PM you the altered screen shot sample.

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This game has more options than some PC games! Seems like we're setting a new standard in reconfigurability & setup on the VCS. I like it! Maybe we'll make it all the way to two columns?

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