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I'm A Geezer!



So it's past my birthtime (hey, do you know yours?), so now I am officially 30. So far (in the first hour of being 30), it doesn't feel any different. I went to McGrath's earlier and got some clam strips. Mom took me there for my birthday. I also am listening to the new Neil Young/Crazy Horse album. No, being 30 feels just like being 29 or 28. But now that I am 30, I consider myself a geezer because I'm not in my 20s anymore. The party will be tomorrow since it's Saturday and nobody will be working that day (everyone in my family works for the state since I'm in the capital of Oregon. Well everyone that is working.) so that's when I'll be getting all my presents. It's odd. But I bet before I know it, 2022 will roll around and I'll be 40! Argh!


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