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  2. So many bugs in this game. - You can go to the next level without cleaning all the maze. - No bonuses. - Ghosts are not smart. - The score won't reset after a game over if you play again. - You can play forever. Here the source: Monster Muncher (Commodore Vic 20) - Games That Weren't (gamesthatwerent.com)
  3. It happened few times when visitors, most especially siblings, knock at the door without ringing. Most of time, they wait for a while and go.
  4. I just noted it recently. When fighting, some attribues can be drained permantly and it's not deceases. I learned Elder Scrolls 3 and 5 also have the same problem. Even if you level up, you still feel you stay the same level. Of course, you can use potions or go to shrines to restore attribues but I don't want to do that all the time. Elder Scrolls 4 is not a bad game. It's just not a kind of game I want to play. Beautiful sceneries ...
  5. So everybody can make Garfield stories as long as the name Garfield is not used. Garfield | Public Domain Super Heroes | Fandom Interesting
  6. Happy Canada Day The flag of Canada was featured on Wikipedia. Flag of Canada - Wikipedia
  7. Jawbreaker Sierra 1981 on Atari 8 bit.
  8. @Albert I can't remove this picture for some reason. Thanks in advance.
  9. Welcome back to Rise of the triad Beta VS Full version. Before we start exploring, let take a look at elevator doors. I like the elevator door in Beta version. The elevator door in Full version is dull. Balls floating in Beta version Now let's go to explore Episode 4 Episode 4 Episode 4 introduces monks. Wait! Monks are already introduced in level 8 secret in beta. Level 1 Left: beta version Right: full version Nothing to say here. both versions are the same. Level 2 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. Level 3 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. I'm stuck here in beta. Impossible to complete. Level 4 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. Full version has secret exit to level 8. Beta has not. Level 5 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. I can't pass through the balls in beta. Full version can. Level 6 Beta is different than full version. I believe level 6 goes to secret level. Turrets (even destroyed) prevent me from going furter to confirm it Full version is very different and doesn't contain a secret exit. Level 7 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. Both versions use the same tactic to beat the boss. The exist in beta goes to secret level, not to level 9. Level 8 Beta refuses to load. Full version can be completed. Level 9 Left: beta version Right: full version Both versions are the same. Level 10 The level starts in the room where you have to fight the boss. No larvae to destroy here. The game crashes when the boss is destroyed. Full version has more rooms, need to find a key and destroy all larvae. If you left larvae, you get a bad ending. One of the larvae to destroy. That's all for today. I will check in beta version if it has extra levels. If not, this saga ends here.
  10. Welcome back to Rise of the triad Beta VS full release. Episode 3 This time, all levels from Beta and Full release are the same with little difference. Left: beta version. Right: full version. Level 1 of both versions are the same with one exception: Beta version has a secret exit will go to Level 8 by finding the obscuro key. Full version does not has a secret exist, instead, the obscuro room is filled with goodies. Beta version also has robots. It's the first time I see all four keys from beta version. Level 2 Left: beta version. Right: full version. Both versions are the same. Note: going throught the exit in beta does nothing. You can't complete this level. Level 3 Left: beta version. Right: full version. This 'nothing' can be find in a secret room. In full version, it's a ball programmer you will find. Level 4 Left: beta version. Right: full version. Same level in both versions. Level 5 Left: beta version. Right: full version. There's a door in beta doesn't open, prevents from completing this level. In full version, this door is replaced with a pushwall. Level 6 Left: beta version. Right: full version. Level 6 in beta version has a secret exit to Level 8 again. Two secret exits in the same episode? Full version has a secret exit to Level 8. Level 7 Left: beta version. Right: full version. Full version has more rooms. The game crashes after you destroyed NME in beta version. Level 8 Secret Left: beta version. Right: full version. Both versions are the same level except full version has an 'elevator room'. Wait! There're monks in beta version? That's all for today folks. See you later.
  11. Keep in mind some maps might incomplete as I may miss secret rooms. Episode 2 Keep in mind some maps might incomplete as I may miss secret rooms. Level 1 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Commercial version has an extra room. The rest is the same like Beta version. Level 2 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Commercial version has elevators. Beta has not. Level 3 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Both have the same level. Level 4 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Both have the same level. Level 5 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Commercial version has extra walls. Level 6 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Both have the same level. Level 7 Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. Commercial version has more doors. If you beat the boss in beta, you still hear him and the game won't go to the next episode. Level 8 (secret level) Left: prototype version. Right: commercial version. At last! Elevators are introduced in beta version. Both levels are the same. An elevator from beta version. That's all for today. Next time: we explore episode 3. Will we find robots in beta version? Maybe.
  12. There are 3 beta versions of rise of the triad. You can find them here. This comment is comparing beta version 07.1994 and the final version. The most levels are the same, few has unique levels. We can't see the whole map in beta. Full version can. Beta version can crash but there's a trick to make the game crashes less often: You can save and use the map but do not restore until the level is fully completed. Switches and touchplates may not work after you restore your game. Episode 1: Level 1 in beta is the same the release version. Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. The first thing we noted is the missing platform disks in the beta. The rest is the same. Level 2 Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. Level 3 Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. Level 4 Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. Level 5 Level 5 in beta is different of full version. In beta, this level is not that different than full version. In full version, elevators are introduced in level 5. Level 6 Level 6 is also different from beta and full versions. This level in beta is very buggy. If you save, load, take a look to the map, the game may crash. In full version, the level is smaller. Level 7 Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. This level is the same for both versions. Beta version has less doors and it's tricky to get to the boss. Also beta has less weapons as well, making more difficult to beat the boss. In beta, the game crashes if you beat the boss. Level 8 Secret Left picture from beta version. Right picture from full version. This level is the same for both versions. That's all for today. Next time, we will explore Episode 2 of two versions.
  13. If you turn of the lantern, the screen becomes black even if there's other source of light and you can die by just moving a bit. It was fine from the original game with text only since the only light available was from the player. In 2023 version? Nope. It's a disaster. 💔
  14. I wish this game is much longer.
  15. Here my collection of games have stopped working. Save slots won't save anymore or they won't start. Even I cleaned my cartridges carefully.
  16. I know Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls IV: oblivion can crash when playing but Bioshock crashes more often then two others. I think Bioshock is less optimized than Fallout 3 and ES4.
  17. Now my limit of weight has decreased and I can't move. What are they thinking when making this game?
  18. I played a new game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I ordered by mail. The start is fine and like this game untill I caught vampirism. I lose energy when going outside in days. Because of vampirism, everybody started acting stupid, prevents me to go further of the game. Because of this, I have no other choice but to look to internet how to rid vampirism. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a great game ruined by this illness.
  19. After reading Gamepro and there's a handheld called PowerPro. After searching on the internet, I found PowerPro is on another name Gamate. I never saw this handheld on the stores in 1990s. I don't find PowerPro or Gamate on Mobygames. It would be interesting how many PowerPro games are released.
  20. An arcade game allows to destroy arcade machine. Thanks to SEGA.
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