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What could be causing most of my carts to not be working properly anymore?

Ross PK

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It was a few weeks ago when I broke out the 800XL and set it up again, before this it had always been in a plastic box and because of the 'doors' on the cartridge slot I really can't see that dust could've got inside it.


As for the ol' carts, well most of them worked every single time when I used to have my 800XL set up a couple of years ago, and they had been in a box since until putting them on my shelvesabout a month ago, so I really can't see how that much dust could've got on them.


So anyway, now whenever I try a cart game, more times than not it doesn't work, and I have to take it out, blow on it, put it back in and then turn the 800XL on again several times before it will work. What the hell could've caused this?

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It was a few weeks ago when I broke out the 800XL and set it up again, before this it had always been in a plastic box and because of the 'doors' on the cartridge slot I really can't see that dust could've got inside it.


As for the ol' carts, well most of them worked every single time when I used to have my 800XL set up a couple of years ago, and they had been in a box since until putting them on my shelvesabout a month ago, so I really can't see how that much dust could've got on them.


So anyway, now whenever I try a cart game, more times than not it doesn't work, and I have to take it out, blow on it, put it back in and then turn the 800XL on again several times before it will work. What the hell could've caused this?


it could be oxidized metal. The copper strips in the cartridge mouth might be really dirty. A solution could be using a fine-grained sandpaper to clean the connector part inside the cartridge (use a screwdriver to open the lock)


you can see if they are clean if the copper is shining (when it is dark and non-reflecting it is oxidized).


this could for example happen when you stored your cartridges in a humid room.

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This copper bit that I need to look at is inside the cartridge? On most of my carts there aren't any screws to open them up unless they're under the labels.


That's why you should unlock the slot with a pin or another sharp object like a screwdriver. Don't try to screw the screws out. they're indeed under the labels. Just poke in the lock, and then you can push the connector part inwards, and the copper strips will become visible.

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Lol, don't worry, I wont do anything too drastic.


FWIW, I'd go a little less drastic than sandpaper. Normally, gold plating on carts is micro-thin. The cleaning tool I always use is a "typewriter eraser." You may have a difficult time finding one, but they are still around. (Not too many typewriters around anymore, are there?) If you can't find a typewriter eraser, you might try a regular eraser. You should find that carts with silver/solder contacts are causing more problems than gold ones. And unfortunately, the oxide on the silver contacts is deposited on the cartridge jack when the carts are inserted/removed. So...


It is less likely, but possible, that the contacts inside the XL cartridge jack are also dirty. To clean them, you may have to use a chemical contact cleaner (not Brasso). To clean the cartridge jack, I use pipe cleaners to get down into the jack between the contact faces. (PM me if you want brand recommendations.) Your "Brasso" thought is not too far off the mark, though. I used Brasso to clean the contacts on my phono cartridge & turntable before I learned of contact cleaner -- worked fine. Not too many turntables around anymore either... The major problem is the residue it leaves.


Last, and least likely, it is possible that there is corrosion between the "legs" on the roms/eproms and the sockets in some of your carts. I've seen that before, but very rarely.


Let us know how you do.



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  • 1 month later...

I just tried the eraser method, and it worked on about 7 of 8 carts that were previously not working. Thanks!


The only cart I couldn't get to work was a Basketball cart by Atari. Perhaps coicidentally, it was the only cart that didn't have exposed "teeth" / connectors (so I used the eraser when the cover was pushed back).

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You ask why they aren't working properly anymore...did they form a union? Are they making any working demands? If they keep insisting on not working properly, fire the lot of them and bring in some temps...

Edited by Gunstar
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