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My ideas were picked up!

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For info about this, go to my other topic. It seems Nintendo has heard about my ideas and is trying to make game systems based on my first and third concepts. The systems, called the Nintendo OMG(pronounced awmg) and the Nintendo BS will be making their way to store shelves on march 12, 1895. Nintendo is currently trying to create and perfect a method of time travel in order to meet this release date. The games will come on cartridges that will come in boxes the size and shape of a pack of hanafuda cards. The OMG's launch titles will include Super Mario dimensions, Ultra Smash Bros. 66666666666667: The ultimate borenament, OMG pork, and Zelda: The return of the return of the etc. of Hyrule, while the BS' launch lineup will have Warioware: crap on a stick, Nintenergyballz, Wii megacollection part 314159.14159, and Yoshi: the day the developers ran out of ideas and put him on a black screen.


What do the masses have to say about these awesome systems?


For the OMG, Rick862879281 of Nolife online forums praises: OMG NANOBOTZ!!!!! THYS OP3NS up SO MANI NOO P0S1BILIT3S N CONS3PTS I KAN HARLY BEL3VE M1 EYEZ!!!!! THIS IZ SOO FUN 1 WANT 1T NOW!!!!!11!!!1111111!!!!!!!11


lamer3.784397945 of noobzorz.com has this to say about the BS: ZOMGZOMGZOMG U CAYN RECH INT00 TEH SCR33N N T1CH STUF!!!!! DIS IZ SOO KEWL ND S3W F0N ITZ FIKIN JENuS!!!!!!! THiS WiLL B3 T1H BAST KOMZOLE IN TEH UN1V3Rs3!!!!!


Edit: It seems that the release date has been pushed back to Never and will be available exclusively through The Mall at The End Of The Universe, which can be accessed through a conveniently placed wormhole leading to the universe of The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy.


So, How did I do? Please tell me you're ROFLing right now.

Edited by Segataritensoftii
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can you make a serious thread please thats not a waist of time? :roll:


and no... im not rofl laughing right now >.> im just staring blankly and blinking in shock that this is your idea of a contribution to this site.

Edited by AtariJr
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Maybe you should just memorize this list of funny place names:


Walla Walla !

Coucamonga !

Seattle !


That might work. ;-)

Okay, then I will!


For info about this, go to my other topic. It seems Nintendo has heard about my ideas and is trying to make game systems based on my first and third concepts. The systems, called the Nintendo OMG(pronounced awmg) and the Nintendo BS will be making their way to store shelves on march 12, 1895 in Walla Walla, New Hampshire, Cowgamonga, Jupiter, Seattle, Washingmachine, Hyrule, nowhere, and Whatsasagipedia, Japan. Nintendo is currently trying to create and perfect a method of time travel in order to meet this release date. The games will come on cartridges that will come in boxes the size and shape of a pack of hanafuda cards. The OMG's launch titles will include Super Mario dimensions, Ultra Smash Bros. 66666666666667: The ultimate borenament, OMG pork, and Zelda: The return of the return of the etc. of Hyrule, while the BS' launch lineup will have Warioware: crap on a stick, Nintenergyballz, Wii megacollection part 314159.14159, and Yoshi: the day the developers ran out of ideas and put him on a black screen.


What do the masses have to say about these awesome systems?


For the OMG, Rick862879281 of Nolife online forums praises: OMG NANOBOTZ!!!!! THYS OP3NS up SO MANI NOO P0S1BILIT3S N CONS3PTS I KAN HARLY BEL3VE M1 EYEZ!!!!! THIS IZ SOO FUN 1 WANT 1T NOW!!!!!11!!!1111111!!!!!!!11


lamer3.784397945 of noobzorz.com has this to say about the BS: ZOMGZOMGZOMG U CAYN RECH INT00 TEH SCR33N N T1CH STUF!!!!! DIS IZ SOO KEWL ND S3W F0N ITZ FIKIN JENuS!!!!!!! THiS WiLL B3 T1H BAST KOMZOLE IN TEH UN1V3Rs3!!!!!


Edit: It seems that the release date has been pushed back to Never and will be available exclusively through The Mall at The End Of The Universe, which can be accessed through a conveniently placed wormhole leading to the universe of The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy The wormhole can be found on planet Dellawarez.


So, How did I do? Please tell me you're ROFLing right now.

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This guy is about as funny as having diarrhea and gout at the same time.



I don't know, i can see how that'd be pretty funny, as long as it was someone else and not you. :)


i dont know when i see ROFL and all that i just have learned to tune it out.. which means that his posts are tuned out... im not really commenting so much on what he's saying as I hoenstly lost interest, and just started skimming.. its just that this is a waist of good server space really.


its ironic how threads that have seemingly no life span last the longest as people discuss forever how bad it is out of shock lol.

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This guy is about as funny as having diarrhea and gout at the same time.



I don't know, i can see how that'd be pretty funny, as long as it was someone else and not you. :)


i dont know when i see ROFL and all that i just have learned to tune it out.. which means that his posts are tuned out... im not really commenting so much on what he's saying as I hoenstly lost interest, and just started skimming.. its just that this is a waist of good server space really.


its ironic how threads that have seemingly no life span last the longest as people discuss forever how bad it is out of shock lol.

Dangit how do I close these topiics? Now you're making me feel guilty! :woozy:
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This guy is about as funny as having diarrhea and gout at the same time.



I don't know, i can see how that'd be pretty funny, as long as it was someone else and not you. :)


i dont know when i see ROFL and all that i just have learned to tune it out.. which means that his posts are tuned out... im not really commenting so much on what he's saying as I hoenstly lost interest, and just started skimming.. its just that this is a waist of good server space really.


its ironic how threads that have seemingly no life span last the longest as people discuss forever how bad it is out of shock lol.

Dangit how do I close these topiics? Now you're making me feel guilty! :woozy:


youd have to contact a moderator. otherwise im sure this will die eventually. just maybe a lesson for the future for you

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