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Scans For Rom


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Rom - just noticed a double up

this one:


is this one from 'fantastic game':



also i've just discovered that this bank heist:


is actually a disney v-case in a 'fantastic game' box with same identical serial number, so I think disney games are actually 'fantastic game' releases as they follow the same serial number chain 2402-***-01, if you didn't know that already ;) (pics to come)


although i'm confused as to why kaboom, turmoil and mash all have the same serial numbers??? icon_confused.gif

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Rom - you might already have this image?

Not the box, only the console.


Would love to get a closer look at that box.


Can you see the title on the cart that's lying down?


Thanks for the pictures and the corrections, btw!


I will change this asap.



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Rom - you might already have this image?

Not the box, only the console.


Would love to get a closer look at that box.


Can you see the title on the cart that's lying down?


Thanks for the pictures and the corrections, btw!


I will change this asap.




that's the largest image I could find. The cart lying down looks to have the standard funvision label... but no idea on the title.

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also i've just discovered that this bank heist:


is actually a disney v-case in a 'fantastic game' box with same identical serial number, so I think disney games are actually 'fantastic game' releases as they follow the same serial number chain 2402-***-01, if you didn't know that already ;) (pics to come)

Didn't know these were Fantastic Game releases as well.

For now, I will keep this one categorized seperately until Fantastic Game is more organized in the future.


although i'm confused as to why kaboom, turmoil and mash all have the same serial numbers??? icon_confused.gif

Their boxes all carry the same model number.


Please remember that our Taiwan-V case category is a mix of Taiwanese V-case carts in most cases belonging to different companies, like you clearly pointed out with MASH and Pitfall.


Slowly but surely they will be moved to their proper categories, but this takes a very long time, because I have to see their boxes first, bfore I can move them.


In short: I need more reference than the cart alone to move a V-case cart to it's proper place.



Fixed Pitfall as well:




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Some new ones!

All have Chinese end labels with circled numbers, or at least remnants of labels - under handwritten labels (old cassette labels) which I am soon going to carefully remove.

The jpeg titles correspond to the handwritten labels.

The most interesting one for me is the 'Batman' cartridge - which resembles Crazy Climber. The front label has something printed in Chinese (scribbled out) - which I will ask my friend to translate. The plastic cartridge is identical to the 'King of the World' (H.E.R.O.) cartridge which I recently scanned... which leads me to think that it too may be funvision.

I am wondering if the handwritten labels are direct translations of the chinese labels underneath...

Also I wonder if the circled numbers actually represent how many games (variations) are on each cartridge, as opposed to a serial number... I will check them out again and count them.

V-Cases icon_lust.gif








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Some new ones!

All have Chinese end labels with circled numbers, or at least remnants of labels - under handwritten labels (old cassette labels) which I am soon going to carefully remove.

The jpeg titles correspond to the handwritten labels.

The most interesting one for me is the 'Batman' cartridge - which resembles Crazy Climber. The front label has something printed in Chinese (scribbled out) - which I will ask my friend to translate. The plastic cartridge is identical to the 'King of the World' (H.E.R.O.) cartridge which I recently scanned... which leads me to think that it too may be funvision.

I am wondering if the handwritten labels are direct translations of the chinese labels underneath...

Also I wonder if the circled numbers actually represent how many games (variations) are on each cartridge, as opposed to a serial number... I will check them out again and count them.

V-Cases icon_lust.gif

Thanks for the pictures.


The encircled numbers are 100% serial numbers.


Which game is Galaxy Invader?




Also, could you show mw a screenshot of that Batman cart?



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Since one had the screw holes exposed - here's what the inside looks like:

Interesting! I always had a sneaking suspicion that there would be funvision pcbs in those... evidently not


This is a good thread on Funvision PCB's:




The one that nofrills100 shows matches the Funvision PCB's inside a Halley's Comet cart, for example. Even though they don't have Funvision printed on them, they do belong to a Funvision cart.

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Since one had the screw holes exposed - here's what the inside looks like:

Interesting! I always had a sneaking suspicion that there would be funvision pcbs in those... evidently not


This is a good thread on Funvision PCB's:




The one that nofrills100 shows matches the Funvision PCB's inside a Halley's Comet cart, for example. Even though they don't have Funvision printed on them, they do belong to a Funvision cart.

Ahhh yes, i forgot about that thread.

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Thanks for the pictures.


The encircled numbers are 100% serial numbers.


Which game is Galaxy Invader?




Also, could you show mw a screenshot of that Batman cart?






Galaxy Invader matches the Hi-Score Galaxy Invader title - deriving from Worm War I

I have attached a scan.


Also a scan from Batman.

Today I showed the Batman cart to a Chinese friend of mine and from what is visible of the printed and scribbled out text on the front label (there is also bit of label missing) she could read 'King ...(missing character)... Big Building'. If you look closely at the front label - there is five edit. four fingers of a hand on the far right side...so my guess is the title was alluding to a King Kong type description.



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Wow, that is truly amazing.

I am interested in boxed games only, but also the 'out of the norm' stuff like SpaceVision and Supervision, Omegavision and whatever vision.....

I contributed with my Pole Position poster way back, and can contribute hopefully more in the future, but here's my question:


How do you scan a cart end label? How do you scan a box without having to flatten it?

How do you straighten a photo of a box when taken with digital camera (like the one taken below)? The top is narrower than the bottom.

Also here's a variation of a Quelle game Eishockey Fieber different font, different box, when compared with their regular box:



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How do you scan a cart end label? How do you scan a box without having to flatten it?

How do you straighten a photo of a box when taken with digital camera (like the one taken below)? The top is narrower than the bottom.




I'm certainly no pro... but here's my 2 cents worth.

I have a nice clean piece of board to place the carts and boxes on - then take a photo from directly above with a macro setting on my camera (that way you get plenty of detail, and a relatively square box shape... with a little bit of bowing) - you also have to avoid taking the shot directly under a light, so that you don't get your own shadow in there.

as for scanners - i'm pretty sure you can scan without having to shut the lid of the scanner(?) - that way you can just place boxes, or carts on their end label, without hassles...

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Also a scan from Batman.

Today I showed the Batman cart to a Chinese friend of mine and from what is visible of the printed and scribbled out text on the front label (there is also bit of label missing) she could read 'King ...(missing character)... Big Building'. If you look closely at the front label - there is five edit. four fingers of a hand on the far right side...so my guess is the title was alluding to a King Kong type description.



That's Crazy Climber.


What the hell is that game doing on a pirate cart?


Is it truly PAL?


If so, you've found a R10 for sure.


Take good care of that cart


Here's the same label, btw:




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as for scanners - i'm pretty sure you can scan without having to shut the lid of the scanner(?) - that way you can just place boxes, or carts on their end label, without hassles...


This is true. I often leave the lid open when I scan. For end labels it sometimes helps to take a bunch of carts and put an elastic around them to keep them together. It's nice and stable that way when it scans.



That's Crazy Climber.


What the hell is that game doing on a pirate cart?


Is it truly PAL?


Does your TV accept NTSC signals, nofrills? Actually, a better way to test would be to load up a Harmony cart with the NTSC rom and play it on the same TV. That way you'll get a direct comparison.

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Certainly worth the effort to try Omega's suggestion out.


I think you might have found something special there.


Even if it is NTSC, it's quite a find.


It's the first time a pirate version of this rare game has ever been reported.



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That's Crazy Climber.


What the hell is that game doing on a pirate cart?


Is it truly PAL?


Does your TV accept NTSC signals, nofrills? Actually, a better way to test would be to load up a Harmony cart with the NTSC rom and play it on the same TV. That way you'll get a direct comparison.


I've never had any trouble playing NTSC games on my console or TV.

I don't unfortunately have a harmony cart to test.


I guess comparing colours is no good?

Is there any other way?

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