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I found a 5200 trackball. It looks great on the oustside, but the ball turns a little rough and one fire-button sticks. Is there a nice write-up anywhere about how to best clean the 5200 trackball. Can I use an eraser to clean the flex circuits under the buttons like the 5200 controller? How do I clean/oil the ball. I really hope I can get it working better (it does work)! Thank you! -- RG

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Cafeman --


That's a great write-up, thanks. By the way, have you ever seen this magazine (it's like an adult MAD magazine): http://www.tmcm.com/ It has lots of articles about coffee (just check out the title). This month's issue has an awesome long article about all the types of coffee in the world and it compares them to different types of beer. I read it over vacation. I cleaned up everything from the trip and I can't find the magazine because I would send you the article. You can probably get it at Borders or Barnes and Noble.


Easy on the brew now :wink: -- RG

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I've been wanting to do a mod on my trackball for the 5200. I really like the feel of the ball itself, but the fire buttons don't feel "arcade" enough for me. You have to press too hard on it, unlike a real arcade button whihc you can sort of "pat" or "tap" lightly. So, I was planning to add a single full size leaf spring arcade button to one side to give it a better fire button feel. The button assembly I have is pretty big, but it should fit inside if it is positioned properly. Then it has to be spliced or soldered to the proper 2 traces or wires to work. The thing that scares me is cutting into the top to make the hole. I have a dremmel and it shouldn't be too bad, but I'm still chicken right now to do it!

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  • 21 years later...

I feel a tad strange to bump a topic from 2002 but here I am.


I'm a proud owner of a 5200 trackball that evidently has never been cleaned.

There's filthy and then there's whatever was going on with this. I've used a vacuum, an old toothbrush, quite a bit of paper towel and isopropyl to get it at least 75% cleaner than it initially was. I placed the bearings in vinegar and let them remove a ton of rust.


The problem that I'm finding is that the roller bearings have long since long whatever lubrication. I've tried spraying contact cleaner in them but I am not getting much if any response from the entire Y axis bearing that the plastic wheel passes through. What would be a suggestion on how to lubricate it, and clean inside the black plastic parts where the wheels make contact? 

I would love to play Missile Command and Centipede with this, but as it is only Space Invaders could be played.




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On 7/12/2002 at 10:00 AM, Cafeman said:



I had to clean my Trakball too, so I figured I'd document it. Works good now. :)

Can't find Stella's Boneyard. Do you know if it's still online?

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1 hour ago, bent_pin said:

Can't find Stella's Boneyard. Do you know if it's still online?

Likely it is not. That was from 22 years ago. I can barely recall even creating that page.   Best electronics has a lot of Atari stuff, on a quick glance I couldn't find 5200 trak-ball parts though. 

my suggestion is:


1. remove and clean the bearings.

2. Blow air into the optical sensors below the bearings.  People have suggested this in the past.

3. replace the three bearings.  

4. Buy a new 5200 trackball. 🙂


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55 minutes ago, Cafeman said:

Best electronics has a lot of Atari stuff, on a quick glance I couldn't find 5200 trak-ball parts though. 

They are there, just a little harder to find, they have bearings and kits, etc.

Also console 5, has new bearings, all 5 for I think for $18.00 dollars.

8 hours ago, Satoshi Matrix said:

What would be a suggestion on how to lubricate it, and clean inside the black plastic parts where the wheels make contact? 

The best way to clean them is to get the shields off each side,(not very easy to do) so you can wash them thoroughly and dry them, there is specialty bearing oils and greases, for this project you really want oil vs grease. A small amount of a synthetic oil will work great.

But honestly, just from the looks of the one bearing in your picture, you would probably be best off to buy new bearings and start over.

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Paint brushes, make great cleaning brushes for stuff like this, you can get them in a soft, and harder bristle.

If you very carefully remove the circuit board, (and I mean very careful, it is really easy to bust off a retaining snap) from the lower plastic, you can wash the lower plastic in warm soapy water to clean it, then you can focus on cleaning the circuit board with brushes, 99% alcohol if needed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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