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Anyone not have enough room for a setup? :(

Ross PK

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I don't get to use my 800XL that much because there's no room to set it up. I'd really love to have it set up permenently so I can go on it regulary, just like the old days. :(

Heck, I barely have room for the stuff I use everyday.


I find that you need to get creative. Things like storage coffee tables and wall shelves can allow you to have a lot of stuff but not lose the floorspace. I also bought a LCD TV with VGA in, and now I can do a lot of my surfing and whatnot on the couch in the living room (since I don't watch that much TV).


I'd love to build a coffee table with arcade controls in it, and a slide out computer/console shelf.

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I don't have anywhere near enough room to have all the stuff I have setup. Some things are set out permanently (modern consoles, the 2600/7800, etc) but most of the other stuff like my A8 equipment is stored in 'hot standby' to be pulled down and plugged in when the urge hits me. That's why I have a dedicated area that has a video switchbox, lots of AC adapters and video cables all stored neatly so that the setup time is just a few plugs away. :)

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I lack room as well.


I use video capture and run usually on the second monitor. The 130XE is the machine I use 99% of the time, although I do most stuff with the emulator.


I'd like to put an APE and a nice RAM expansion in my XEGS. And a keyboard cable extension.


Then, I could just tuck it away sideways beside the desk or something, and have it available all the time.


Another thing I was considering was just taking the motherboard out and put it inside the PC case, then let it run off the PC power supply.

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I moved house at the start of the year and decided to have the loft converted into a dedicated room so now I have a complete 30ft room dedicated for all my computer set-ups and music studio combined. The restored Atari (now 320XE) and my towered Amiga 1200 have come back out of storage and has it's own place aside from my pc's. It's all a far cry from the very cramped conditions I've been used to working in all my life.

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I moved house at the start of the year and decided to have the loft converted into a dedicated room so now I have a complete 30ft room dedicated for all my computer set-ups and music studio combined. The restored Atari (now 320XE) and my towered Amiga 1200 have come back out of storage and has it's own place aside from my pc's. It's all a far cry from the very cramped conditions I've been used to working in all my life.

:woozy: < closest I could get to an Envy emoticon

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I don't get to use my 800XL that much because there's no room to set it up. I'd really love to have it set up permenently so I can go on it regulary, just like the old days. :(

Heck, I barely have room for the stuff I use everyday.


I find that you need to get creative. Things like storage coffee tables and wall shelves can allow you to have a lot of stuff but not lose the floorspace. I also bought a LCD TV with VGA in, and now I can do a lot of my surfing and whatnot on the couch in the living room (since I don't watch that much TV).


I'd love to build a coffee table with arcade controls in it, and a slide out computer/console shelf.


Yeah that's true, the lack of space I'm experiencing isn't the lack of space in any of the rooms at home, it's more like I don't really have a big enough table/cabinet or whatever to have it set up. I could buy one but I'm on a budget at the moment, and the only room where I'd be able to set it up is the bedroom, but then that'd mean that I'd have to buy a chair too where I'll be at the right level for playing the games. I hate sitting on the floor.

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I know what you mean, all I have out permanently is the Wii, and I have got very few games for that :(

Looking in to moding it so I can play at least some emulation.

Can't even keep the PS2 slim out because of all the wires everywhere and an 18 month old destructor daughter :D

Edited by mimo
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I also ran out of space a long time ago in my house, so I built my own room in the basement (about 250sq ft) as my computer lab. I have my 2 gaming PC's on my main desk, then a 2nd desk with my A8 Setup on it (and jaguar), a 3rd desk with my ST setup on it, and a 4th desk with my MP3 recording setup on it. Then I have my workbench where I do all my tech-stuff.


I'd say I'm pretty fortunate to have all the room that I do have, although at times, even THAT seems small.

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I just packed mine away 'til who knows when, made space for my Jaguar (which hasnt seen much action lately) & my Yobo.


The whole shebang (all systems) are in a downstairs bedroom, which will become an ACTUAL bedroom before long, so out go the systems.


Took down my 7800 too, but I have the CV #1 module &/or a Woody for VCS games.

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I have most of my stuff out at all times. I bought a whole bunch of IKEA storage shelving for my basement and have made the middle shelf at slghtly above standard desk level. I then installed a series of outlets along the wall behind the shelving so I can plug in just about anything.


My wife doesn't complain, because she gets tons of storage space on the shelves above and below. Everyone wins.



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This is why I moved to the XEGS the core is small and you can good use out of the keyboard if you get an 5200 Joystick extension cable. ;) I just had the XE-GM1 RAM upgrade installed thanks to my bud belboz! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: here's a screen shot of my 130XEGS running a 130XE demo called Shiny Bubbles! :cool:


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