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Has a video game ever made you cry?


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Gamefaqs had a great poll question and wondered about you folks here if there has been any games that have made you cry either physically or emotionally.


For me, the answer is yes.


Physically: 1942 for the NES, the music, hurts the ear drums badly.


Emotionally: 3 games have done it for me. Final Fantasy VIII, X, and Chrono Cross.

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I'm man enough to admit Yuna's death wish would have gotten me if I wasn't so emotionally repressed I've forgotten how to cry. ;) Majora's came close too.


But the game that came closest was Link's Awakening. It's also the only one that ever scared me to the point where I considered not finishing it.


Wish I could lose myself in a game like that again...


Being a jaded bastard lost it's appeal years ago.

Edited by A Sprite
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I have never cried at a video game, but when my oldest daughter much younger, she did. I was playing FFVII and she was watching me play. It got to the part where Aeris is murdered and she lost it. For months after that she wanted to know what happened to the "pink girl."

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Wait, does laughing until you cry count? I want to add EWR to my list...imagining Paul London attempting to pull off "a strict German" gimmick while the smart fans watched in horror/outrage...I wept at the beauty.


A few games have been so bad as to make me weep for humanity. Do those count?


Depends on whether or not you care enough about humanity to actually shed a tear or two.

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The ending of Link's Awakening almost brought a tear to my eye, especially when the whole island and its inhabitants disappear. But it had that emotional effect on me only once. When I finished the game subsequently, I was far more detached from it, but it's still a great ending any way you look at it. :)

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Emotionally: 3 games have done it for me. Final Fantasy VIII, X, and Chrono Cross.


Funny, I was just about to say that I think only FF VIII made me tear up (at the end) and that I didn't think anyone else would say that. Guess I was wrong. :) FF X did too I think.



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Final Fantasy Adventure. (Later remade as Sword of Mana)

*SPOILER* The part where Lester plays a song for his dead sister, Amanda. Especially since my character had just killed her out of mercy. *SPOILER*


Actually, that game was all-around emotional. But I was young and impressionable back then, so...

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No. I've never felt even remotely involved emotionally with a game. Some of the "emotional" videogame stories are very poor stories by the standards of any other art form. FFVII would be, to be kind about it, a somewhat poor fantasy novel, for example.

Edited by Atarifever
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Only game that brought some emotion to me was Ultima 9 - knowing it was the last time I would venture into Sosaria and I was getting to the end of the game.......The one scene where it hit me a bit was coming out of Skara Brae (that was the sunken city in that one right?) - anyhow you swim up to the surface and can see the starry sky - made me wonder how much more was still in front of the Ultima series - oh well.


No tears, just that goose pimple feeling ;)

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see I didn't feel that in Final Fantasy VII, between Cloud and Tifa and Could and Aeris, it didn't seem like the relationship really bloomed to a point that her death made that much of difference, not like FFVIII where you can see the relationship between Squall and Rinoa develop from beginning to end.

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The first ending of Lunar 2 got me all teary-eyed the first time.

Not knowing about the epilogue(SegaCD did NOTHING to inform you of it) makes it a bit more moving.


There've probably been a few others.

Aeris Dies is NOT one of them. That was just annoying.

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  • 8 years later...

I was thinking about making a thread for this exact topic, but since there already was one I decided to revive this thread instead. For me there have only been two games that ever brought tears to my eyes, and it still happens every time I play through either of these games no matter how many times I play them.


The first is Resident Evil 3: Nemesis on the PlayStation/GameCube. Every time I get to the end of the game and the news announcer is doing the voice over before the credits I always lose it and start getting teary every time he gets to "Our hearts go out to those poor civilians of Raccoon City."


The other game is Ikaruga on the GameCube. Strong emotional experiences are not something you'd generally expect from a shoot 'em up game, but the ending of this one is just heart wrenching. After all the hardship and the dozens if not hundreds of hours of practice it takes to get to and beat the final boss, when you finally beat it and expose it's stone-like core your ship starts speaking: "Releasing the restrain device. Releasing the unrestrained power may result in possible destruction of the ship. Was I helpful for you? I am deeply grateful to you."



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