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Atari software master list


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I have started to compile a list of all software released by Atari for the Atari 8-bit line. Here is what I have found so far. I would appreciate if someone can help me to complete the list below...





CXL4001 Educational System Master Cartridge

CXL4002 Atari BASIC Computing Language [ver. A], B, C -SB

CXL4003 Assembler Editor -LB

CXL4004 Basketball -SB

CXL4005 Video Easel -SB

CXL4006 Super Breakout -SB

CXL4007 Music Composer -LB

CXL4008 Space Invaders -LB

CXL4009 Computer Chess -SB

CXL4010 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe -SB

CXL4011 Star Raiders -LB

CXL4012 Missile Command -LB

CXL4013 Asteroids -LB

CXL4014 Mailing List (NR)

CXL4015 Telelink -LB

CXL4016 Telelink II -LB


CXL4018 Pilot Programming Language -LB

CXL4019 In-Store Demonstration Program Cart

CXL4020 Centipede

RX8021 Caverns of Mars -LS

CXL4022 Pac-Man -LB

CXL4023 Berzerk (NR)

CXL4024 Galaxian -LB

CXL4025 Defender -LB


RX8026 Dig Dug -LS

CXL4027 Qix -LS

RX8028 Realsports Soccer (NR)

RX8029 Realsports Football

RX8030 ET Phone Home!

RX8031 Donkey Kong

RX8032 Atari Logo

RX8033 Robotron 2084

RX8034 Pole Position

RX8035 Atari Microsoft BASIC II

RX8036 Atariwriter

RX8037 Star Trux (NR)

RX8038 Superman III (NR)

RX8039 Eastern Front

RX8040 Donkey Kong Junior

RX8041 E.R.I.C. I Boot (NR)

RX8042 Tennis

RX8043 Ms. Pac-Man

RX8044 Joust

RX8045 Pengo

RX8046 Liberator (NR)

RX8047 Arabian (NR)

RX8048 Millipede

RX8049 Jungle Hunt

RX8050 1400 Telecommunicator (NR)

RX8051 Mario Bros (NR)

RX8052 Moon Patrol

RX8053 Atariartist

RX8054 Atarigraphics

RX8055 Crystal Castle (NR)

RX8056 Sinistar (NR)

RX8057 Typo Attack

RX8058 Pop'r Spell (NR)

RX8059 Sky Writer

RX8060 Tempest (NR)

RX8061 Jr Pac-Man (NR)


RX8062 Xevious (NR)

RX8063 Rescue on Fractalus!

RX8064 Ballblazer

RX8065 Borrowing Money (NR)

RX8066 Saving Money (NR)

RX8067 Final Legacy (87)

RX8068 Stargate (NR)


RX8069 Track and Field (84)

RX8070 Elevator Action (NR)

RX8071 Letter Tutor (NR)

RX8072 Word Tutor (NR)

RX8073 Gremlins (NR)

RX8074 Kangaroo (NR)

RX8075 RealSports Baseball (NR)

RX8076 The Last Startfighter (NR)

RX8077 Battlezone

RX8078 Star Raiders II

RX8079 Food fight

RX8080 The Learning Phone

RX8081 Blue Max

RX8082 Lode Runner

RX8083 David's Midnight Magic TM

RX8084 Hardball

RX8085 Fight Night

RX8086 Barnyard Blaster

RX8087 Bug Hunt

RX8088 Crossbow

RX8089 Desert Falcon

RX8090 Gato

RX8091 Flight Simulator II

RX8092 Archon

RX8093 One-on-one Basketball

RX8094 Commando (NR)

RX8095 Karateka

RX8096 Choplifter!

RX8097 Pitstop (NR)

RX8098 Summer Games

RX8099 Ace of aces

RX8100 Mean 18 Golf (NR)

RX8101 Dark Chambers

RX8102 Crystal Castles

RX8103 Mario Bros.

RX8104 Crime buster

RX8105 ER 1987 XE Demo Cartridge (squared grey case, white label)

RX8106 NR XE Demo Cartridge

RX8107 NR XE Demo Cartridge

RX8108 U 1988 Necromancer (rounded grey case, blue XE (Taiwan) label)

RX8109 Ace of aces

RX8110 NR F-16 Fighting Falcon

RX8111 PR 1988 Tower Toppler

RX8112 NR Jinks

RX8113 Thunderfox

RX8114 Into The Eagles Nest

RX8115 NR Fatal Run (Ultimate Driving)

RX8116 NR Alien Brigade (or Medal of Honor)

RX8117 NR Super Soccer

RX8118 NR Xenophobe

RX8119 NR Pool

RX8120 NR Super Football

RX8121 NR Sprintmaster

RX8122 NR California Games

RX8123 NR Ikari Warriors

RX8124 PR 1989 Midi Maze

RX8125 PR 1989 Deflektor

RX8126 NR Eliminator

RX8127 NR Xantac

RX8128 NR Sentinel

RX8129 NR Ninja Golf

RX8130 NR Prince

RX8131 NR Hell Raider

RX8132 NR Star Breaker


RX8134 NR Capone

RX8135 NR Mat Mania Challenge

RX8136 NR White Water Madness

TE15644 ER 1982 400/800 SALT Diagnostic cartridge (2.05)





CX21 Touch Pad

CX22 Trak-Ball Controller

CX24 Pro-Line Joystick

CX30 Paddle

CX30-04 Paddle Controller Pair

CX40-04 Joystick Controller Pair

CX40 Single Joystick Controller

CX41 Joystick Repair Kit

CX42 Remote Control Joystick

CX43 Space Age Joystick

CX42 Remote Control Wireless Joysticks

CX60 Ultimate Joystick

CX70 Light Pen (beige; the original Atari light pen)

CX75 Light Pen (+ Atarigraphics cartridge)

CX77 Touch Tablet ( + AtariArtist cartridge)

CX80 Trak-Ball

CX81 I/O Data Cord (5 ft)

CX82 Monitor Cable (Black and White Monitor)

CX85 Numerical Keypad ( + software Handler on diskette)

CX86 Printer Cable (included with 825 Printer)

CX87 Interface/Modem Cable (included with 830 Acoustic Modem)

CX88 Interface/Terminal Cable (null modem)

CX89 Monitor Cable (Color Monitor)

XG-1 Light Gun (+ Bug Hunt cart.)





CX401 General Accounting System

CX402 Accounts Receivable System

CX403 Inventory Control System

CX404 Atari Word Processor (Atari 810 version) -LB BINDER

CX405 Pilot Educators Package -LB BINDER

CX406 Personal Financial Management System -LB BINDER


CX408 Atari Word Processor (Atari 815 version) -LB BINDER




CX412 Dow Jones Investiment Evaluator

CX413 Microsoft BASIC (maybe never released)

CX414 The Bookkeeper -LB

CX415 The Home Filing Manager -LB/LS

CX418 The Home Manager Kit -BOX

(Personal Financial Management, Home Filing Manager

-or- Family Finances, The Home Filing Manager)

CX419 The Bookkeeper Kit/Atari Accountant -BOX

(The Bookkeeper disk, CX85 keypad)

CX421 Family Finances

CX481 The Entertainer -BOX

(Star Raiders, (Missile Command or Pac-Man),2 joysticks)

CX482 The Educator -BOX

(410, BASIC cart., States & Capitals cassette)

CX483 The Programmer -BOX

(BASIC, BASIC Ref. Manual, BASIC Self-Teaching Guide)

CX484 The Communicator

(850, 830, TeleLink I cart.)

CX488 The Communicator II -BOX

(835, TeleLink II cart.)

CX852 8K RAM Memory Module (for 800 computer)

CX853 16K RAM Memory Module (for 800 computer)


KX7097 Atari Logo kit

KX7098 Atari Accountant

KX7099 The BASIC Tutor I (Inside Atari BASIC bk,Invitation to Programming 2&3)

KX7102 The Arcade Champ (Pac-Man, Qix, 2 joysticks, cartridge storage case)

KX7110 The Atariwriter System

KX7111 Entertainment System

KX7114 The Programming System





CX4101 An Invitation to Programming 1: Fundamentals of Programming -LB

CX4102 Kingdom -SB

CX4103 Statistics I -LB

CX4104 Mailing List -LB

CX4105 Blackjack -SB

CX4106 An Invitation to Programming 2: Writing Programs One and Two -LB

CX4107 Biorhythm -SB

CX4108 Hangman -SB

CX4109 Graph It -LB

CX4110 Touch Typing -LB

CX4111 Space Invaders -LB

CX4112 States & Capitals -SB

CX4113 Pilot Programs for Children and Pilot Turtle Graphics Demonstration

with Pilot kit

CX4114 European Countries & Capitals -SB

CX4115 Morgage & Loan Analysis -LB

CX4116 Personal Fitness Program -

CX4117 An Invitation to Programming 3: Introdution to Sound and Graphics -LB

CX4118 Conversational German -LB BINDER

CX4119 Conversational French -LB BINDER

CX4120 Conversational Spanish -LB BINDER

CX4121 Energy Czar -LB

CX4122 The Atari Word Processor Audio Master Cassette

with Atari Word Processor kit

CX4123 SCRAM (A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation) -LB


CX4125 Conversational Italian -LB BINDER

CX4126 Atari Speed Reading -LB BINDER



CX4129 Juggles' Rainbow

CX4130 Juggles' House

TX9035 Mickey in the Great Outdoors





CX8100 Atari 810 Blank Diskettes

CX8101 Atari 810 Master Diskette

CX8102 Calculator


CX8104 Atari 810 Master Diskette II -LB


CX8106 Bond Analysis -LB

CX8107 Stock Analysis -LB

CX8108 Stock Charting -LB



CX8111 Atari Formatted Diskette II

CX8119 Atari Word Processor Master Disk

with Atari Word Processor

CX8120 Atari Word Processor Training Data Disk

With Atari Word Processor

CX8121 Atari Macro Assembler And Program Text Editor

CX8126 Atari Microsoft BASIC

CX8129 Home Filing Manager -?

with Home Filing Manager

CX8130 Caverns of Mars -LB

CX8135 My First Alphabet

CX8137 Juggles' Rainbow

CX8138 Juggles' House

CX8201 Atari 815 Master Diskette -LB?

CX8202 Atari 810/815 Blank Diskettes


DX5047 Timewise -LS

DX5048 Paint -LS

DX5049 Visicalc -CUSTOM

DX5050 Mickey In the Great Outdoors

DX5052 Master Diskette 3

DX5053 Captain Hook's Revenge

DX5063 Atari Translator

DX5076 Atari Futuremakers - Throught the Star Bridge

DX5077 Atari Futuremakers - This is Ground Control

***Atari CORP

DX5081 Music Painter

DX5082 Silent Butler


DX5084 Star Raiders II



DX5087 XEP80 Boot Disk


DX5089 SX Express!

DX50?? Mysteries of Wonderland


AX2020 Atarimusic I -LS

AX2025 Atari Microsoft BASIC II -LS

AX2026 Atarimusic II -LS

AX2030 Syncalc -CUSTOM

AX2031 Synfile+ -CUSTOM

AX2032 Syntrend -CUSTOM

*** Atari CORP

AX2033 Atari Proofreader

AX2034 AtariWriter Plus

AX2035 AtariWriter 80


ACW200 CodeWriter

CWA200 AdventureWriter

CWH200 FileWriter

CWM200 MenuWriter

CWR200 ReportWriter

CWBI200 Small Business Inventory

CWHI200 Home Integrator

CWRI200 Retail Invoice

CWRP200 Accounts Receivable / Payable

CWSE200 Salesman's Expenses

CWSV200 Star Voyage





BX4201 Atari Home Computers Three-Ring Binder

BX4202 1025 Ribbon


BX4204 1020 Color Pen Replacement


BX4206 1020 Black Pen Replacement

BX4207 1020 Roll Paper

BX4208 LOGO Manuals




BX4212 1027 Ink Roller




BX4216 600XL/800XL Service Contract

BX4217 1400XL Service Contract

BX4218 1450XLD Service Contract


CO14062 820 Paper

CO14385 Atari BASIC Self-teaching Guide

CO14746 TV Switch Box

CO14760 Atari 810 Operator's Manual

CO14762 Atari 820 Operator's Manual

CO14768 Atari 400 Operator's Manual

CO14769 Atari 800 Operator's Manual

CO14810 Atari 410 Operator's Manual

CO14854 820 Ribbon

CO15200 Atari 810 Disk Operating System (DOS I) Reference Manual

CO15307 BASIC Reference Manual

CO15506 Atari 825 Operator's Manual

CO15953 Atari 850 Operator's Manual

CO15954 Atari 822 Operator's Manual

CO16087 825 Ribbon

CO16233 825 Paper

CO16345 822 Paper

CO16347 Atari Disk Operating System II Reference Manual

CO16367 Atari CX70 Light Pen Operator's Manual

CO16376 822 Paper

CO16377 Atari 815 Operator's Manual

CO16555 Revision B 400/800/1200XL Technical Reference Notes

CO17809 PILOT Primer

CO17811 Student PILOT Reference Guide

CO17651 850 Operator's Manual

CO17652 850 Technical Manual

CO17668-09 Atari Connection - Spring 1983

CO17668-10 Atari Connection - Summer 1983

CO17668-11 Atari Connection - Autumn 1983

CO17668-12 Atari Connection - Winter 1983

CO17711 Atari 400 Owner's Guide

CO17893 OS Source Listing

CO17894 DOS Utilities Source Listing

CO17964 Power Adapter

CO60054 Introduction to DOS

CO60055 Atari 410 Owner's Guide

CO60056 Atari 810 Owner's Guide

CO60057 Atari 800 Owner's Guide

CO60992 Inside Atari BASIC





AED80001 Spelling in Context

AED80002 Spelling in Context

AED80003 Spelling in Context

AED80004 Spelling in Context

AED80005 Spelling in Context

AED80006 Spelling in Context

AED80007 Spelling in Context

AED80008 Spelling in Context

AED80009 Math Facts and Games

AED80010 Concentration

AED80011 Division Drill AED80012 Atari Sentences

AED80013 AtariLab Starter Set

AED80014 AtariLab Light Module

AED80016 US Geography I

AED80016 US Geography II

AED80020 Secret Formula - Elementary

AED80021 Secret Formula - Intermediate

AED80022 Secret Formula - Advanced

AED80033 Screen Maker

AED80034 Player Maker

AED80047 Instructional Computing Demo

AED80048 Music I

AED80049 Music II

AED80050 Music III

AED80051 Elementary Biology

AED80052 Earth Science

AED80053 Geography

AED80054 Prefixes

AED80055 Metric and Problem Solving

AED80056 The Marketplace

AED80057 Basic Arithmetic

AED80058 Graphing

AED80059 Pre-Reading

AED80060 Counting

AED80061 Book - Software for your Atari

AED80062 Book - Atari Games and Recreations

AED80066 Expeditions

AED80067 Spelling Bee

AED80069 Word Games

AED80083 Find It!

AED80158 Wheeler Dealer





CX6001 US History

CX6002 US Government

CX6003 Supervisory Skills

CX6004 World History

CX6005 Basic Sociology

CX6006 Counseling Procedures

CX6007 Principles of Economics

CX6008 Physics

CX6009 Great Classics

CX6010 Business Communications

CX6011 Basic Psychology

CX6012 Effective Writing


CX6014 Principles of Economics

CX6015 Spelling

CX6016 Basic Electricity

CX6017 Basic Algebra


I haven't included APX software yet...

SB= small black box

LB= large black box

LS= large silver box

NR= never released



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I haven't included APX software yet...

SB= small black box

LB= large black box

LS= large silver box

NR= never released




Why bother? Just go here.






Excellent, thanks! :)

How about the Learning Series? Does anyone know if Atari released any of those titles aside the two AtariLabs?



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I have started to compile a list of all software released by Atari for the Atari 8-bit line. Here is what I have found so far. I would appreciate if someone can help me to complete the list below...







Sears Video Arcade II Controller has an Atari model number, too: AW203.

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  • 8 months later...

OK, so I'm bumping an old topic but I wanted to fill in some holes in the list. I recently aquired a copy of one of Atari's master part lists and figured it would be nice to have an update.



CXL4017 Pascal



CX4124 Light Pen Demo

CX4132/TX9032 Joystick Sketchpad



CX8103 Astrology

CX8105 Editor

CX8109 Pascal

CX8110 Pascal Database

CX8112 Statistics II

CX8113 Personal Finance Management

CX8114 Personal Finance Management

CX8115 Pascal-Native Code

CX8116 Pascal-Linker

CX8117 In-Store Demo

CX8118 Dos III

CX8124 Dow Jones Invest. Eval.

CX8125 Dow Jones Invest. Eval.

CX8127 Dow Jones Invest. Eval.

CX8128 Atari Word Processor

CX8131 Bookkeeper-Data Entry

CX8132 Bookkeeper-Database

CX8133 Bookkeeper-Reporting

CX8134 Bookkeeper-Sample-Data

CX8139 Numerical Keypad

CX8141 Family Finances I

CX8142 Family Finances II


DX5036 Atari Music I

DX5040 Atari Music I

DX5044 Atarimusic II

DX5045 Atarimusic II

DX5046 Microsoft Basic II




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OK, so I'm bumping an old topic but I wanted to fill in some holes in the list. I recently aquired a copy of one of Atari's master part lists and figured it would be nice to have an update.

Thanks, very interesting! What year is it from?


Now we know what title CXL4017 was supposed to be! A number of unreleased disks on that list as well!



Atari Frog


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OK, so I'm bumping an old topic but I wanted to fill in some holes in the list. I recently aquired a copy of one of Atari's master part lists and figured it would be nice to have an update.

Thanks, very interesting! What year is it from?


Now we know what title CXL4017 was supposed to be! A number of unreleased disks on that list as well!



Atari Frog



The one I got was from January 1984.

CXL4017 was one of the ones I was most curious about and I was very happy to be able to find it in there.



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some that might be missing...i dont know the product codes but they were official Atari UK releases


Thunderfox (tape version)

Star Raiders, Asteroids, Tennis and a couple other atari roms as Tape compilation (given away as part of the 65/130xe tape bundle)

Cygnus XI or X1


Black Lamp

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AED series updated with Rhod's listing and some other sources...


AED80001 - Spelling in Context - Level 1

AED80002 - Spelling in Context - Level 2

AED80003 - Spelling in Context - Level 3

AED80004 - Spelling in Context - Level 4

AED80005 - Spelling in Context - Level 5

AED80006 - Spelling in Context - Level 6

AED80007 - Spelling in Context - Level 7

AED80008 - Spelling in Context - Level 8

AED80009 - Math Facts and Games

AED80010 - Concentration

AED80011 - Division Drill

AED80012 - Atari Sentences

AED80013 - AtariLab - Starter Set

AED80014 - AtariLab - Light Module

AED80015 - The Learning Phone

AED80016 - US Geography - Check Marc

AED80017 - US Geography - High Marc

AED80018 - Pascal - Version 2.0


AED80020 - Secret Formula - Elementary

AED80021 - Secret Formula - Intermediate

AED80022 - Secret Formula - Advanced








AED80030 - Introducing - Peter and the Wolf



AED80033 - Screen Maker

AED80034 - Player Maker

AED80035 - Book - Atari LOGO in the Classroom - A Teacher's Guide


AED80037 - Alien Addition

AED80038 - Meteor Multiplication

AED80039 - Demolition Division

AED80040 - Alligator Mix

AED80041 - Minus Mission

AED80042 - Dragon Mix

AED80043 - Super PILOT

AED80044 - Phone Home

AED80045 - Name Rondo

AED80046 - Create a Rondo

AED80047 - Instructional Computing Demonstration

AED80048 - Music I - Terms and Notations

AED80049 - Music II - Rhythm and Pitch

AED80050 - Music III - Scales and Chords

AED80051 - Elementary Biology

AED80052 - Earth Science

AED80053 - Geography

AED80054 - Prefixes

AED80055 - Metric and Problem Solving

AED80056 - The Market Place

AED80057 - Basic Arithmetic

AED80058 - Graphing

AED80059 - Pre-Reading

AED80060 - Counting

AED80061 - Book - Free Software for Your Atari

AED80062 - Book - Atari Games and Recreations

AED80063 - Book - A Guide to Computers in the Classroom


AED80065 - Book - Atari Computer Educational Software Directory

AED80066 - Expeditions

AED80067 - Spelling Bee


AED80069 - Word Games



AED80072 - Atari LOGO





AED80077 - PILOT - Individual's Kit

AED80078 - PILOT - Educator's Kit





AED80083 - Microsoft BASIC II

AED80084 - LabMate - Home Edition - Ages 9-13

AED80085 - LabMate - Home Edition - Ages 14-15


AED80087 - LabMate - School Edition - Elementary

AED80088 - LabMate - School Edition - Jr. High

AED80089 - LabMate - School Edition - High School

AED80090 - AtariLab - Starter Set / Apple II

AED80091 - AtariLab - Starter Set / Commodore 64


AED80093 - Find It! / Atari

AED80094 - Find It! / Apple II

AED80095 - Find It! / IBM PC

AED80096 - Find It! / Commodore 64

AED80097 - Green Globs / Atari

AED80098 - Green Globs / Apple II


AED80100 - Yaacov Agam's Interactive Painting

AED80101 - The ABC of CPR


AED80150 - Simulated Computer II / Atari

AED80151 - Simulated Computer II / Commodore 64

AED80152 - Telly Turtle / Atari

AED80153 - Telly Turtle / Commodore 64

AED80154 - Telly Turtle / IBM PC

AED80155 - Telly Turtle / Apple II



AED80158 - Wheeler Dealer / Atari

AED80159 - Wheeler Dealer / Commodore 64

AED80160 - Wheeler Dealer / Apple II

AED80161 - Wheeler Dealer / IBM PC



Animal World

AtariLab Curriculum Module - Light

AtariLab Curriculum Module - Temperature

AtariWriter Curriculum Guide

Conduit Algebra



Swarthmore Trig



Atari Frog


Edited by www.atarimania.com
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