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Looks like Actionauts is ready


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Ultimately though, Actionauts is NOT about the actual play experience ... it's a 'collectors package' that includes a new game to play ... but people should not consider purchasing if their primary interest is simply playing a new 2600 game.


As someone who helped with this release, I should clarify that.


In preparing the Actionauts release, I was somewhat torn between conflicting objectives:


-1- Provide a historical glimpse into the game as it was in 1983.


-2- Provide something with enough play value to show what Actionauts could have been as a real game.


Had I been developing this as my own game, I would probably have included 20-50 levels, or maybe more, and would have added some more features, goodies, etc. (e.g. allowed the robot's bullets to do something when they hit certain targets, etc.) Indeed, it might have been possible to hack the prototype to manage such things if I went to an 8K cartridge.


This is supposed to be Rob's 1983 game, though; to make many such changes would have gotten away from that.


Therefore, I decided to settle on adding some new levels that should offer some real challenge, while fixing a couple of bugs in most instances (leaving one so that people who want to see how the original code could malfunction can still do so). I would think it would take some hours of thought and experimentation to figure out all my levels, but I'll readily admit that once that is done there's not really much else to do.


If someone is looking for gameplay, one could buy Thrust+, Toyshop Trouble, and Ladybug, all for the price of Actionauts, and end up with a lot more play value. On the other hand, the new levels do provide some real play experience.

John's additional levels are TERRIFIC, btw .... I know that I couldn't solve the last few and will be surprised if somebody does so anytime soon. I believe he ended up filling every last byte of the 4k. We discussed several times taking the game to a more 'polished' level with more complex commands, and obviously a lot more levels. Such could very well happen at some point. But that's a very different offering, serving the more 'pure play' market.

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Whatever. I've loved Atari games since the system came out in the 70s, too, but the elitist snob collector factor and outrageously high prices suck the real fun out of this whole Atari thing. I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee while forking over your $90 (not including priority shipping).

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Y'know, these programmers aren't doing this for their health. Programming anything is not an easy task, so if prices are too high for you then zip it and move on. I'm only a fledgling programmer, and what I have learned is mind bending in what it does. It's a specialty, that's for sure and takes a lot of effort. Sure, materials may not cost that much, it's the effort of the programmer and author that does! So $90 doesn't sound so bad to me, considering all the work that went into it. I can only HOPE that one day I can make a polished up game on a cart and release it for a mere $90.


rob, don't let all the signing cramp your hand :) And don't let these guys that are complaining of price deter you.



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they are very flimsy ... albert cautioned against using them as carts could arrive with some damage .. so i took him on his word.

Yeah, I stopped using the Priority Mail 1096L boxes for mailing boxed games a while ago. I swear every time the USPS revises the boxes (which they just did again recently) they get even thinner. Pretty soon they won't offer more protection than a bubble mailer. They are fine for sturdier items (such as loose carts), but I have had people tell me they've received boxed games damaged in them (due to the Priority Mail box being damaged in transit) so I now spend the extra money on new, sturdier boxes to better protect boxed games during transit.



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Whatever. I've loved Atari games since the system came out in the 70s, too, but the elitist snob collector factor and outrageously high prices suck the real fun out of this whole Atari thing. I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee while forking over your $90 (not including priority shipping).


Oh fer crying out loud.


If this was being released by the current incarnation of Atari, or some other gaming conglomerate, you may have a point.


But geeze. Rob and SUpercat are doing it by themselves, and are probably not making much if any profit on it.


"Lighten up, Francis"

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Whatever...I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee...

Make sure to clean the sand out of your vagina when you're finished.


Yayyy, $60 less than what I was prepared to pay.

I have more good news...you can donate any extra $$ to the PBJ Game Fund. I'll send you my PayPal addy.

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Whatever. I've loved Atari games since the system came out in the 70s, too, but the elitist snob collector factor and outrageously high prices suck the real fun out of this whole Atari thing. I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee while forking over your $90 (not including priority shipping).


How does this take any fun away from you playing your garage sale bought Tapper?


Just don't buy it and enjoy the rest of your collection already. Mr. Fulop has every right to charge whatever he wants, and I don't think it's that bad of a price. If I could afford it right now, I'd pick one up while they last.

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Who is Atari Charles?

Somebody you don't want to be compared with.


He has been creating (and selling!) lousy hacks for a lot of money and alienated several communities (incl. AtariAge) by trying to profit from heating up animosities between some people.

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Whatever...I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee...


Well, I've stayed well clear of that last thread, but I think I'm going to pass on Actionnauts. $90 is more than I'm willing to pay, I'm afraid. I'll look forward to playing the ROM when it's released. Twenty bucks lower, and I would have bit, perhaps.


I do not condone the immature and hostile flamewars that have surrounded the game in the locked thread, and Mr Fulop has every right to sell his game at a price he chooses. That said, $90 is completely outrageous for a VCS game in 2008 when other new games are selling for 1/3 of that price point, and I don't feel that paying for 'development in the 80s' is my responsibility. I'm sure other will disagree, but that's just too much for me to swallow.


Anyway, thanks for offering this to the community Rob. I'm sure many folks will enjoy it, and I look forward to playing the rom when it's released.


Regardless of the opinions though everyone, let's keep this thread civil, ok?

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Whatever...I'll be over here playing my garage sale bought cart of TAPPER while the rest of you bend over backwards in fanboy glee...


Well, I've stayed well clear of that last thread, but I think I'm going to pass on Actionnauts. $90 is more than I'm willing to pay, I'm afraid. I'll look forward to playing the ROM when it's released. Twenty bucks lower, and I would have bit, perhaps.


I do not condone the immature and hostile flamewars that have surrounded the game in the locked thread, and Mr Fulop has every right to sell his game at a price he chooses. That said, $90 is completely outrageous for a VCS game in 2008 when other new games are selling for 1/3 of that price point, and I don't feel that paying for 'development in the 80s' is my responsibility. I'm sure other will disagree, but that's just too much for me to swallow.


Anyway, thanks for offering this to the community Rob. I'm sure many folks will enjoy it, and I look forward to playing the rom when it's released.


Regardless of the opinions though everyone, let's keep this thread civil, ok?

This is becoming so weird to me. We've long ago established at this point that there exists TWO markets .. the "gamers" and the "collectors". What the thread demonstrated to me was that Actionauts is not a good value for the "gamers" even at a $29.95 price point, let alone $49.95, for all the reasons mentioned above. Such is exactly why the current price point was reached, so that there would be NO disappointed purchasers. I'd much prefer to have a bunch of people decide NOT to purchase a copy for the "right reason" (that this is NOT something for 'them') .. then for some of these people to shell out what they feel is a lot of money for a game experience, and be disappointed. What I don't get is why people keep coming on here over and over to announce themselves as in the "gamer" camp .. yes .. we do understand that such a camp exists and it is noted that you are a member. I'm not sure what such has to do with the conversation.


Regarding the sale of the cart ... the response since I sent out the email this morning has been pretty strong .. and I'm basically near the end of the first batch of 100 games. I did not anticipate this sort of fast response .. and I really don't have any choice but to take down the 'storefront' tomorrow morning until I can see my way clear here and get the first batch out the door. I'll let people know when another batch is available, and give them some notice. I do think that most people who want one will eventually get one .. but I'm not sure at this point when that will be since I'm selling / shipping these off in batches and don't think it's cool to accept payment without knowing when I can get the cart out.

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I do think that most people who want one will eventually get one

I hope by that comment that you wont be making any more than the 250 as you said you would,as im sure that most collectors including myself bought this as one of the reasons as it is suppose to be a limited edition.

Edited by pangasinan
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I hope by that comment that you wont be making any more than the 250 as you said you would,as im sure that most collectors including muself bought this as it is suppose to be a limited edition.


If there are different 'tiers' of product, I wouldn't think there should be a problem. Early people get a super-deluxe collector's edition for $90. Later on, a plainer edition becomes available at a lower price. That's how many other products are sold, and such an approach would seem applicable here too.

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This is becoming so weird to me. We've long ago established at this point that there exists TWO markets .. the "gamers" and the "collectors". What the thread demonstrated to me was that Actionauts is not a good value for the "gamers" even at a $29.95 price point, let alone $49.95, for all the reasons mentioned above. Such is exactly why the current price point was reached, so that there would be NO disappointed purchasers. I'd much prefer to have a bunch of people decide NOT to purchase a copy for the "right reason" (that this is NOT something for 'them') .. then for some of these people to shell out what they feel is a lot of money for a game experience, and be disappointed.

I didn't realize until you pointed it out how different the 2 markets are. I knew there were people out there who wouldn't buy a cart with a bad label and even people who want their carts CIB while I am happy to buy the cheap carts with bad labels because I don't care what they look like as long as they play, but the difference is clear now. Every time somebody posts now I will wonder if they are a gamer or a collector. They are worlds apart. :cool:

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