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KMK/JZ HD interface


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Hooray !!!!


I finally got the KMK/JZ interface to work,but,unfortunately with MyDos.


I don't like MyDos,I want to use SpartaDos.


The KMK/JZ is very nice and fast.Right now,I have 16Meg partitions on D1: and D3: thru D6: The Indus GT is D2: and I can use APE on D7: and a ramdisk on D8:


I have a question:


The BIOS ROM is a 27C64 and I don't have an extra one. Can I burn the BIOS upgrade into 27C128A and use that?

Also my Super-E burner lists a 27128A as a choice,but not a 27C128A. If I select the 27128A mode,will it burn the 27C128A sucessfully?


Anyone have an idea how I can re-format the MyDos HD with SpartaDos?



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Hooray !!!!


I finally got the KMK/JZ interface to work,but,unfortunately with MyDos.


I don't like MyDos,I want to use SpartaDos.


The KMK/JZ is very nice and fast.Right now,I have 16Meg partitions on D1: and D3: thru D6: The Indus GT is D2: and I can use APE on D7: and a ramdisk on D8:


I have a question:


The BIOS ROM is a 27C64 and I don't have an extra one. Can I burn the BIOS upgrade into 27C128A and use that?

Also my Super-E burner lists a 27128A as a choice,but not a 27C128A. If I select the 27128A mode,will it burn the 27C128A sucessfully?


Anyone have an idea how I can re-format the MyDos HD with SpartaDos?




I dont know anything about that interface.. But the 27128 is a 21v program EPROM.. the 27C128 is a 12.5v.. If you try to use a 27c128 chip in a programmer expecting a 27128, it will usually burn out the regulator in the programmer. be CAREFUL. look up the specs on your programmer AND on the exact brand of EPROM you are programming (unless the programming voltage is marked on the chip, itself.) and make sure your programmer can supply the correct voltage.. Usually, trying a 21v EPROM in a 12v programmer/mode wont hurt anything.. But trying to program a 12.5v EPROM wityh a 21v programmer/mode will draw too much current and fry some shit in the programmer..

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I don't like MyDos,I want to use SpartaDos. (...) Anyone have an idea how I can re-format the MyDos HD with SpartaDos?


And what is the exact problem? It should work with SpartaDOS (3.2 I presume) without problems. You should boot the SpartaDOS from floppy, build directories on the partitions (KMK/JŻ doesn't support the FORMAT command, the formatter must be able to just write directories, you may use the FORMAT command from the WEDGE extension to SpartaDOS), and copy stuff.


I remember that some version of SpartaDOS 3.2 (it was g or gx, one of these two) had problems when booted from the hard drive. It had something in common with the location of buffers, but I don't remember correctly. I strongly recommend SpartaDOS X 4.4 anyway, it is far superior to 3.2, 3.3 and such.


The BIOS ROM is a 27C64 and I don't have an extra one. Can I burn the BIOS upgrade into 27C128A and use that?


Better use EXACTLY the same (type of) EPROM as it is used in the interface. The parts are carefully selected to avoid timing problems. So, if you want to replace the BIOS, get the interface's EPROM, read its contents, save in a backup file, then burn new one in the same chip. Or request a replacement from the reseller.

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I have no trouble using the interface with MyDos,it works great! (BIOS ver. 1.4)


Following the manual instructions,using SpartaDos,I made a ramdisk (D8:) and copied X32D.DOS and MKSDFS.COM to it.Then partitioned the hard drive,per instructions.Hit RESET and built the file system with MKSDFS.COM..no problem.


The manual then says"Copy X32D.DOS to D1: and type BOOT D1:X32D.DOS.


Well.....I am unable to copy X32D.DOS to D1:


At this point,I don't know what I am doing wrong.


Everything works great with MyDos and it is nice and fast,but I want to use SpartaDos.


I don't have and can't afford a SpartaDos cartridge. :)


Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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The manual then says"Copy X32D.DOS to D1: and type BOOT D1:X32D.DOS.



Are you using this syntax to copy:





I am logged on to D8: where I have previously copied X32D.DOS

So the command line looks like this:





BTW..bf2k+...I saw your review of HardBack in ANTIC!

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I am logged on to D8: where I have previously copied X32D.DOS

So the command line looks like this:





BTW..bf2k+...I saw your review of HardBack in ANTIC!



That should certainly work fine.


:cool: I still have that copy of Antic! It's the only one I have. I wrote the review while vacationing in Nags Head, NC... 1985 or 86 I think. Of course the Antic editors completely rewrote the article... :thumbsdown:

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I am logged on to D8: where I have previously copied X32D.DOS

So the command line looks like this:





BTW..bf2k+...I saw your review of HardBack in ANTIC!



That should certainly work fine.


:cool: I still have that copy of Antic! It's the only one I have. I wrote the review while vacationing in Nags Head, NC... 1985 or 86 I think. Of course the Antic editors completely rewrote the article... :thumbsdown:


The problem that I have is that I don't seem to be able to copy X32D.DOS to D1:

I am going to try a BIOS upgrade and, hopefully,the problem will go away. :)


BTW....you know that,at least one person read your review! :)

I have an original,registered copy of the program!

AND...Thanks for the info on the Supra AT300 modem power supply! I got it working,

(Would you believe that I had to call a Commodore BBS to connect at 300bps!)

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The problem that I have is that I don't seem to be able to copy X32D.DOS to D1:

I am going to try a BIOS upgrade and, hopefully,the problem will go away. :)



Hi Ed-


I thought I would try this since I also have the KMK/JZ interface. BTW, mine has 1024 ram just like yours.


My bios is 1.10 NC (so I get the cold boot.) Not the latest version, but unless drac030 says otherwise, 1.10 should work.


I still had problems and ultimately had to cheat to get the drive set up -- namely using SDX to boot the system and copy the system files.


After using FDISK2 and setting up the partition, and exiting to the D1: prompt, I moved my boot floppy image to D2:.

Hit RESET. But no matter what I tried, I could not get the system to recognize that the D1: (hard drive) was there. I kept getting ERROR 139.

I ran MKSDFS.COM to build the directory before copying the system files. (Did you do that?)

But even after I successfully ran MKSDFS.COMand and hit RESET, I could not copy anything to D1:. It just refused to be recognized.

Finally, I inserted an SDX cart and it recognized the partition with no issues. I copied the system files and used the BOOT command and the drive took right off.


I must have been doing something wrong, but what?



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I must have been doing something wrong, but what?




I wonder if it is another SD 3.2D issue? I wonder if 3.2g or one of the 3.3 releases would have worked? I am getting ready to buy one of these interfaces so I suspect I will run into some of the same... I don't really use anything but SD.

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The problem that I have is that I don't seem to be able to copy X32D.DOS to D1:

I am going to try a BIOS upgrade and, hopefully,the problem will go away. :)



Hi Ed-


I thought I would try this since I also have the KMK/JZ interface. BTW, mine has 1024 ram just like yours.


My bios is 1.10 NC (so I get the cold boot.) Not the latest version, but unless drac030 says otherwise, 1.10 should work.


I still had problems and ultimately had to cheat to get the drive set up -- namely using SDX to boot the system and copy the system files.


After using FDISK2 and setting up the partition, and exiting to the D1: prompt, I moved my boot floppy image to D2:.

Hit RESET. But no matter what I tried, I could not get the system to recognize that the D1: (hard drive) was there. I kept getting ERROR 139.

I ran MKSDFS.COM to build the directory before copying the system files. (Did you do that?)

But even after I successfully ran MKSDFS.COMand and hit RESET, I could not copy anything to D1:. It just refused to be recognized.

Finally, I inserted an SDX cart and it recognized the partition with no issues. I copied the system files and used the BOOT command and the drive took right off.


I must have been doing something wrong, but what?




If you did something wrong,damned if I can find out what!

(BTW..yes,I used MKSDFS.COM)


I have tried about eight different (known to be good) drives and NOT ONE would boot !!!!!

The few I was able to write to D1: looked like they would work,but when I rebooted,the drive light was active for a moment and then returned the message " No Dos"

I even tried making the first partition 720 sectors and formatting it with "XINIT.COM" No good! :(


In desparation,I tried the XF551 "Boot FIX" Ha!-Ha! :(


I'll be damned if I know why MyDos works so well (and easy!!)and SpartaDos 3.2d is *SO* screwed up !!!


I have to walk away from this for a while,as my frustration level has hit the wall.


On a happier note...did I mention that I got an E-mail from Dave Small the other day?


Again,Kind Sir,thank you for your help and many kindnesses.


With warm Atari regard,


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I must have been doing something wrong, but what?




I wonder if it is another SD 3.2D issue? I wonder if 3.2g or one of the 3.3 releases would have worked? I am getting ready to buy one of these interfaces so I suspect I will run into some of the same... I don't really use anything but SD.


No, I don't think so. I tried booting 3.2G and it produced the same results -- same error, but says "Device NAK."


Looks like you can get around this by adding a cartridge jack to the interface so as to use an SDX cart. Best Electronics sells the cart jack for $1.50 each (IIRC). A tiny bit tricky since I recall that some of the solder connections are "through-the-hole." I think that the source that I posted has a cartridge adapter for a small extra cost -- I know that one of the suppliers that I've seen does. I remember getting my interfaces and being *stunned* that there was no way to use a cart, but when I contacted the seller, he informed me that the connections were on the pcb. The only downside to adding a cart jack is that some of these interfaces come with a nice case, so to use the cart connection, you must cut out a section of the top of the case. It still looks nice when the surgery is completed -- I just took my time and sanded the edges nice and smooth and straight. BTW, a (fingernail) emery board is a nice little tool for sanding this way. Being able to use a language cart is certainly worth the effort (or extra cost).



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The manual then says"Copy X32D.DOS to D1: and type BOOT D1:X32D.DOS.


Well.....I am unable to copy X32D.DOS to D1:


First of all, what means "unable"? I.e. what does exactly happen?


This may be some problem with the MKSDFS.COM, I think, i.e. the directory structure it build is somehow incorrect, and hence the copying problems. Unfortunately, I am currently not able to verify if there are any problems with the procedure, because my computer is broken.


My first advice to use different format program, e.g. the FORMAT command from the SpartaDOS extension called WEDGE.

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I have four questions:


1) Has anyone made this interface work with SpartaDos 3.2d ?


2) Where can I find a copy of this "Wedge" ?


3) Will this wedge run under SpartaDos 3.2d ?


4) Where can I find an explaination of the SpartDos 3.2d error codes ?


I tried setting up the first HD partition as 720 sectors (1 DD disk) and writing MyDos to it. Booted perfectly! :)


I then tried formatting that partiton with SpartaDos "XINIT.COM" and got back the error code "8e" ....WTF?

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I have four questions:


1) Has anyone made this interface work with SpartaDos 3.2d ?


2) Where can I find a copy of this "Wedge" ?


3) Will this wedge run under SpartaDos 3.2d ?


4) Where can I find an explaination of the SpartDos 3.2d error codes ?


I tried setting up the first HD partition as 720 sectors (1 DD disk) and writing MyDos to it. Booted perfectly! :)


I then tried formatting that partiton with SpartaDos "XINIT.COM" and got back the error code "8e" ....WTF?



2/3) You can download the Wedge and its doc file from XL Search. (I've never used it.) But it definitely mentions 3.2d *but* needs 128K or greater machines.


4) Do you have a SpartaDos Construction Set manual? The codes are listed in Appendix A. $8E = 142 = serial bus overrun.


I have an idea for a work-around that *might* be successful. I'll test it tomorrow.



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Well....the WEDGE formatter (also known as P_FORMAT.COM) seemed to work. I was able to copy X32D.DOS to D1: :)


I then typed :





The cursor then showed D1: Looks good,right?


When I rebooted, I got:


Error:No Dos


For about the hundredth time !!!!!!!!!!






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Well....the WEDGE formatter (also known as P_FORMAT.COM) seemed to work. I was able to copy X32D.DOS to D1: :)


I then typed :





The cursor then showed D1: Looks good,right?


When I rebooted, I got:


Error:No Dos


Hmm, that's odd. Please run FDISK and make sure that the "Custom boot" option is OFF. Also, please make sure that teh D1: is not redirected to another disk in FDISK. Here is an example of the FDISK display:




Pay attention to the "Atr" (attributes) column. The "R" letter (redirect) marks the disk which will be seen as D1: by SIO. If it is not there, set the cursor at the "01" entry of the partition list and press Ctrl/R. "B" (boot) only matters when you use the "Custom boot" routine. If you enabled the custom boot, disable it and try what happens.


The error $8e you saw from the XINIT certainly wasn't generated by the harddisk driver, it is a serial I/O error.


One more question: did you run the diagnostic program (KMKDIAG) to verify, if everything (i.e. hardware-wise) works well?

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Hi Ed-


In case you are still stuck, I'll send you a PM that will contain a 60,000 sector, double density HD ATR image. This is bootable, and contains Sparta 3.2g.

Also included is my HD backup sector copier "SECTBAK6.COM" (Once your system is bootable, you can always change to another Sparta version.)


Mount the HD image in APE

Boot a MyDos disk/image (preferably 4.5), then hit RESET so that the system can recognize your HD.

Load the SECTBAK6.COM file using MyDos "L"

Select the HD image as the source drive

Your KMK/JZ HD should now be D1:, so it is the destination drive.


I believe that if you copy the first 1000 sectors, that should get all the system files, etc. (You Sparta users can correct me if this is wrong.)


*Of course, anything currently on your HD will be trashed.*


After the sector copy, your HD should be bootable. I checked this a couple of different ways, and it certainly appears to work. You can create another 60,000 sector APE image and test this prior to copying to your HD. A kludge, but if it works...


And that reminds me of many years ago while in the Army, a co-worker in our office was "scary-smart." He always joked that I was our "brute force" programmer -- no finesse, just brute force. Probably an apt description.



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I thought about that too, but decided to reserve that idea to the situation, when nothing else helps.


I would like to be sure, that this is not a hardware issue - hence my question about the results given by the diagnostic program. If the hw is OK, then there are two possibilities only: software issue or misconfiguration. Both things are fixable, if enough information is provided.

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To drac030 and Larry,thank you both for your time and efforts to help me !! :) :)


I am first going to do an install on s freshly MS-Dos formatted and partitioned hard drive so That I can document the steps I take (and the results I get) so that drac030 can document the problem.


Then I will apply Larry's solution,which I am sure wil work.


Thanks,guys...a report wil follow....

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This message is to drac030 but I am posting it here to help anyone else with this problem:


I took a freshly MS-DOS partitioned and formatted Conner CFS1275A hard drive (that will boot a PC [MS-DOS 6.22])


Boot the Atari with the utilities disk (formatted with SpartaDos 3.2d)


Ran KMKDIAG.COM...recognized the drive and the interface..all test passed (drive reliablity and MBR)

The test also returned 3072 bytes of ROM,1024 bytes of RAM

BTW..I bought my KMK/JZ from Jerzy Dudek. It has BIOS ver.1.4




a.) Installed partitions D1;,D3:.D4:,D5:.and D6: as 65534 logical sectors

b.) Made D1: bootable (CONTROL-B)

c.) Wrote out the partition table to the dive (CONTROL-W)


Hit ESCAPE to return to DOS


Made a ramdisk (D8:)


Copied X32D.DOS to D8:

Copied P_FORMAT.COM to D8:


Switched to D8:






Used the "Build directory" command on D1:,D3: thru D6:


I then typed (from the D8: prompt):

D8:copy X32D.COM D!:


D1:DIR......It returned X32D.COM ! It wrote it! I then typed:


(enter) and it returned D1: Looks good,right?


I then turned everything off.


With the floppy drives turned off,I turned the power back on and waited about 30 seconds.


Holding down the OPTION key,I turned the computer on.


The LED on the interface lit for a few seconds and: "Error:No Dos" appeared on the screen!


I hit RESET (while holding the OPTION key) and the same results!


At this point,the only thing that I can think at fault is the SpartaDos BOOT command.

(as fas as I know,the BOOT command is internal to SpartaDos3.2d....right?)


I want you to know,drac030,that your help is very much appreciated.At this point,I am CLUELESS!!!

I don't understand why it works so flawlessly with MyDos and not SpartaDos 3.2d.


I hope,drac030,this will help you understand the problem.


Now I will try Larry's solution...report to follow

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Do you remember the character from the cartoon strip "L'il Abner" named Joe Blitzfk that had a black cloud hovering over his head:


Well...I must be his adopted son !!!!! :(


I have the hard drive partitioned with D1: and D3: thru D6: and all partions formatted with the Wedge Formatter (P_FORMAT.COM).


I put MyDos Boot and Sec6Bak.atr as d1: and D2: in A.P.E. Sparta HD Image.atr as D7:


Turned on the power to the HD


Held down SHIFT and OPTION and booted the Atari.


MyDos menu came up.


Ejected the image from D1:




MyDos menu came up.


Typed "L" and then "D2:SECTBAK6.COM"


Program loaded.


Specified: Source:D7:

Destination: D1:

No. of Sectors:1000




It then said to hit START to begin.


I hit START repeatedly and NOTHING happened.


I have one other idea to try...report to follow.

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Do you remember the character from the cartoon strip "L'il Abner" named Joe Blitzfk that had a black cloud hovering over his head:


Well...I must be his adopted son !!!!! :(


I have the hard drive partitioned with D1: and D3: thru D6: and all partions formatted with the Wedge Formatter (P_FORMAT.COM).


I put MyDos Boot and Sec6Bak.atr as d1: and D2: in A.P.E. Sparta HD Image.atr as D7:


Turned on the power to the HD


Held down SHIFT and OPTION and booted the Atari.


MyDos menu came up.


Ejected the image from D1:




MyDos menu came up.


Typed "L" and then "D2:SECTBAK6.COM"


Program loaded.


Specified: Source:D7:

Destination: D1:

No. of Sectors:1000




It then said to hit START to begin.


I hit START repeatedly and NOTHING happened.


I have one other idea to try...report to follow.


Hi Ed-


I'm going to detail my procedure which I just checked again and found to work on my setup. How about trying it this way? If this still doesn't work, then you have a bios issue or a hardware problem. Does your XE pass the self-test? BTW, I'm using a CF card, not a drive.


1. Go back to FDISK and only make partition one. Forget the others for now. (You did make it 256 byte sectors, I presume.)

2. You should not have to use a formatter since you are sector copying.

3. Try the sector copy again. If it fails, just try sector copying between two blank, formatted ATR images (again, all under MyDos). Sector Back 0.6 is Action! compiled, and doesn't do anything fancy. IIRC, it even uses Page 6 for it's 256-byte sector buffer. I've used it for about two years on varied hardware, and it's worked well for me. It has one issue -- it sometimes gets the elapsed time wrong, because Action! has issues with large numbers (jiffies) in multiplication and division.


If this fails, I'd do the bios upgrade asap. Then a different drive (or flash card). Then a different computer.


Very sorry to hear of your heart issue. Hope you will follow your doc's instructions.



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