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I didn't think the Turbo Everdrive release was a secret. I've been following it since the beginning of the year. Maybe he just wasn't visiting the right forums?


It wasn't huge secret and pre-orders were up for I think 5 days before they sold out. In their defense though it was kind of a surprise the date it came out. KRIKzz told me he was working on TureboED and then in like no time (maybe a few weeks) he messaged me and said "How many TurboED do you want? They are ready." I was like "Oh crap!" I was not expecting them that fast.

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He's not saying it was a secret..

He's saying it would have been a nice service (in his opinion) for you to have notified your previous customers when you know what you were going to do with it.


I'm not sure why that's coming off as difficult to understand?????


I think it's totally OK to say something like "you don't want to SPAM your customers" or "you didn't have a large enough quantity in this case" or something...

That's fine..


But his question is understandable and valid..



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He's not saying it was a secret..

He's saying it would have been a nice service (in his opinion) for you to have notified your previous customers when you know what you were going to do with it.


I'm not sure why that's coming off as difficult to understand?????

You seem kind of charged up about this. Are you acting as his lawyer? ;)

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You seem kind of charged up about this. Are you acting as his lawyer? ;)

Good question...

Wonder what my percentage should be?? ;-)


Must be this new Websense appliance config at work.. ;-) It almost does what they claim it should.. ;-)


Oh well, back into the depths..



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He's not saying it was a secret..

He's saying it would have been a nice service (in his opinion) for you to have notified your previous customers when you know what you were going to do with it.


I'm not sure why that's coming off as difficult to understand?????


I think it's totally OK to say something like "you don't want to SPAM your customers" or "you didn't have a large enough quantity in this case" or something...

That's fine..


But his question is understandable and valid..




You may want to go back and read my reply to Mark. I answered his (Jibba's) question and I said I did understand. I also wanted to make him (and anyone else reading) understand my position and the reasons why he (or anyone) didn't receive "SPAM".


In my reply to Tempest I was actually defending the other customers who were caught off guard by its release because I was too. I am not sure why this is a big deal.

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You may want to go back and read my reply to Mark

Just did..

Fair enough..

Looks like I half read some of those posts... And I think you're phrasing came off a bit harder that the actual words intended.

(In my defense, I wasn't the only one to get that upon the initial reading..)


But as I go back and read it, you did cover the SPAM part and I missed that..


My bad..



I wonder if I only half read the manual for Websense and that's my problem there too... ;-)

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You may want to go back and read my reply to Mark

Just did..

Fair enough..

Looks like I half read some of those posts... And I think you're phrasing came off a bit harder that the actual words intended.

(In my defense, I wasn't the only one to get that upon the initial reading..)


But as I go back and read it, you did cover the SPAM part and I missed that..


My bad..



I wonder if I only half read the manual for Websense and that's my problem there too... ;-)


I kind of figured that's what happened. I hate when posts roll over to new pages in the middle of the back and forth discussion like this. Most people (including myself) usually only read the last page.

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I just pre-ordered my Turbo Everdrive from Retrogate. I'm a little bit disappointed that, as a previous Everdrive buyer from SAG, I didn't get an e-mail or anything alerting me that the Turbo Everdrive was available for pre-order. Maybe it's my fault for not checking a box or something at some point, though. Retrogate allows for the placing of orders on backordered items and SAG doesnt, so ultimately they got my money. Sorry, SAG.




I can't take unlimited back orders sorry. I took 40 pre-orders. You are acting as if I should just blindly take people's money when I have no idea when orders will be filled. I don't play that game. I am not saying KRIKzz has no clue when his back orders will ship, but he also has huge advantage over me (Retrogate = KRIKzz's store). I am an honest retailer. I refrain from taking people's money unless I have a good idea when their order will be filled. You can punish me for that if you desire, but what else can I do? People act like I have unlimited supply of this stuff. KRIKzz only had 100 PCBs for first batch. 40 went to me the rest went to him and other retailers. Until he gets next batch of PCBs from china I have no idea when my next batch will ship.


Our current software is very limited I can't e-mail people who ordered EverDrives in the past to alert them. I don't like spamming people. We did post updates on our FaceBook and Twitter. It was also post on AssemblerGames. Our new software we will be launching will have the ability to select if you want to get e-mailed when certain products arrive and stuff like that. I also do not like spamming forums with advertisements to my store. Its not what the forum is for and I don't want to be seen as just being here to promote my store (because I am not).


Here are some ideas:


- Put a link on the product page where I can sign up for an e-mail alert when the product is again available for sale.

- Take small, easily refundable deposits (like $5 or whatever) to be put on a waiting list for when they come back in stock.

- Send e-mails to past customers alerting then when you have new products, but put a link in the e-mail for people to opt-out of the list if they consider your e-mails to be spammy.


Every time a new Everdrive comes out, it's always in high demand and sells out quickly, so I don't know why you're so surprised that I was a little frustrated.


You've never had a problem with posting on AA when you had new products available, and your avatar is the logo from your website, so I don't know why self-promotion is suddenly such an issue. I don't remember a single person complaining about you "spamming". Don't we all support you here on AA? You don't like spamming people, but I don't like checking your website, Twitter, and Facebook constantly like a neurotic squirrel just to see when you'll have a product in stock. And sorry I don't go to the AssemblerGames forums. I guess that's my bad, too. I just don't know how to use the internet properly.


My initial post up there was just me expressing some mild disappointment and frustration about the issue, because I enjoyed my shopping experience with you the first time around and was hoping to do it again. Your reply pissed me off a lot more than the initial issue did. I'm so sorry that you don't have the proper system in place for me to give you my money, and that because of that, I'm "punishing" you by buying my product directly from the guy who created it in the first place.



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- Put a link on the product page where I can sign up for an e-mail alert when the product is again available for sale.


I don't program the software that runs my site. This feature does not exist I addressed this in a previous post (maybe you missed it because its on previous page) where I explained this issue. New software we got has this feature. We hope to have that up by Fall.


- Take small, easily refundable deposits (like $5 or whatever) to be put on a waiting list for when they come back in stock.


This seems easy. Its really not as easy as it seems. Again, I do not like taking people's money blindly. Even if its $5. Maybe this sounds stupid to you, but I have been doing this for over 5 years now. I have learned a lot about what works and what causes more problems than its often worth. Deposits are a pain in the butt. I am dealing with this issue right now with the SD2SNES back orders.


Every time a new Everdrive comes out, it's always in high demand and sells out quickly, so I don't know why you're so surprised that I was a little frustrated.


I do understand your frustration. Trust me.


You've never had a problem with posting on AA when you had new products available, and your avatar is the logo from your website, so I don't know why self-promotion is suddenly such an issue. I don't remember a single person complaining about you "spamming". Don't we all support you here on AA? You don't like spamming people, but I don't like checking your website, Twitter, and Facebook constantly like a neurotic squirrel just to see when you'll have a product in stock. And sorry I don't go to the AssemblerGames forums. I guess that's my bad, too. I just don't know how to use the internet properly.


People don't complain about me spamming because I don't. I honestly do not create that many posts about new products. I usually piggy back on other people's posts like this post. I don't create new topics for new products that often. I never said I didn't promote my site at all. But I try to do it less "in your face" as possible. Links in sigs, occasional updates, that's about all. I suggest reading my reply to Mark regarding what I said to you. None of it was an attack on you, but you seem to be taking it that way. Probably my fault for not being more clear, but I did try to clear that up in my second post.


My initial post up there was just me expressing some mild disappointment and frustration about the issue, because I enjoyed my shopping experience with you the first time around and was hoping to do it again. Your reply pissed me off a lot more than the initial issue did. I'm so sorry that you don't have the proper system in place for me to give you my money, and that because of that, I'm "punishing" you by buying my product directly from the guy who created it in the first place.


Listen I explained my reasons. Maybe you missed them, maybe you don't care. Either way there is nothing I can do about it. The site problem is something that is being worked on. However the back order thing is not something I do very often. Sorry I don't like taking people's money blindly. If you think that's stupid I am sorry. There are plenty of retailers out there that will take your money blindly (not saying KRIKzz is one of them, I am sure he has some type of idea of when his back orders will ship). I am sure most follow through as well. I just find it to be a huge hassle. I am sorry I lost you as a customer and I do apologize for any miscommunication on my part. However, I do treat my customers well and when I do screw up I admit it and try proactively fix the problem. You will be hard pressed to find many people that have had a bad experience with my store. Besides the current site software being a piece of junk and me apparently not being very clear in my initial reply (which I tried to correct) to you I am unsure of what you want.


Also, "punish", was a terrible choice of words on my part. Actually I have no problem with what you did. Honestly if you aren't buying from me I would prefer you buy from KRIKzz. He's the man that makes it all possible.

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For what it's worth, I understand what Jibba's saying. However, I think that in an imperfect world, StoneAge does a pretty good job. I also think that his "Deluxe edition" (etc.) stuff is desirable-enough (for this kid, anyway) that I'm willing to wait for them, as I'm quite pleased with the ones I've bought. Checking the website frequently can be a minor drag, but after having decided to cough up the bucks to buy this stuff, it's relatively minor obstacle to me.

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My only point was that I wish you had either sent an email to your customers, or posted here on AA to let us know that it was available, and to let you know that you lost a sale because a potential customer didn't know that you had an item for sale. I don't "want" anything from you.


I don't know why this is turning into such a big deal, but whatever. I'm fine, because I ordered it elsewhere. But I would have ordered it from you if I knew that you had them. I would think that as a retail business owner, that would be information that you'd want, to help you with future product releases. if you want to complain and make excuses instead, that's fine too.



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For what it's worth, I understand what Jibba's saying. However, I think that in an imperfect world, StoneAge does a pretty good job. I also think that his "Deluxe edition" (etc.) stuff is desirable-enough (for this kid, anyway) that I'm willing to wait for them, as I'm quite pleased with the ones I've bought. Checking the website frequently can be a minor drag, but after having decided to cough up the bucks to buy this stuff, it's relatively minor obstacle to me.


I understand what Jibba is saying too. I just wanted to make it clear that there is a method to my perceived madness sometimes.


I am the first one to admit our site software is absolutely positively the biggest piece of crap. You should try using the admin panel. It doesn't have basic features that all eCommerce software should have (like the simple feature Jibba requested).


Honestly the site was suppose to be ready for relaunch in the Spring time. However the guy designing the site flaked out on me and just a bunch of drama from that. Finally got another guy to re-design site. So I want ti up before holiday shopping season comes around, hopefully much sooner.

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if you want to complain and make excuses instead, that's fine too.


Chris, I didn't disagree with you on all your suggestions. I am unsure where you keep getting this from. I actually AGREED with you on some of them and on the ones I didn't I explained me reason. I also stated on your e-mail suggestion that we are working on that. Call them excuses if you must, but I have reasons why I don't take blind back orders. You don't agree. That's fine. I am unsure what else you want me to say. I apologize and I explain yet you continue to throw little jabs at me even though you just stated "Not sure why this is such a big deal" and "I don't care I got it from somewhere else."

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I received my Turbo Everdrive today and am incredibly impressed by the build quality of the cart. I have all of Krikzz's carts, with the exception of the Super Everdrive, and I feel that this might be his best yet. I've been using it so far in my TurboExpress and was wondering if there'd be any risk of have a chip or resistor get stuck on something while in my bag. Thankfully, everything on the board sits as flush as possible, so I'm sure nothing at all will happen while bringing it around on the go.


My only complaint about the cart, but something I was aware of before purchasing, is the low quality of the TG16/PCE selector switch. It doesn't seem to be a component which can survive being used often. This is the reason I got 2 carts and something others should keep in mind if you're planning to use the cart between both TG16 and PCE systems.

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I received my Turbo Everdrive today and am incredibly impressed by the build quality of the cart. I have all of Krikzz's carts, with the exception of the Super Everdrive, and I feel that this might be his best yet. I've been using it so far in my TurboExpress and was wondering if there'd be any risk of have a chip or resistor get stuck on something while in my bag. Thankfully, everything on the board sits as flush as possible, so I'm sure nothing at all will happen while bringing it around on the go.


My only complaint about the cart, but something I was aware of before purchasing, is the low quality of the TG16/PCE selector switch. It doesn't seem to be a component which can survive being used often. This is the reason I got 2 carts and something others should keep in mind if you're planning to use the cart between both TG16 and PCE systems.


I am curious to why you would have to switch between the PCE and TG16? The TurboED can region patch on the fly, so I am unsure why you would have to switch between systems all the time. I am sure KRIKzz was thinking the same thing.

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I am curious to why you would have to switch between the PCE and TG16? The TurboED can region patch on the fly, so I am unsure why you would have to switch between systems all the time. I am sure KRIKzz was thinking the same thing.


The system I play on is determined strictly by how I feel on a given day. Sometimes I will pull out the TG16, while other times I'll grab my PCE. While I'm sure it's not the use case for most, I'm certain there are others like me who like to use the different variations of systems in their collection.


I don't buy systems to sit on my shelf and look pretty, they're purchased to play. :)


For others, it's very possible they use a PC-Engine Duo for TV use and a TurboExpress as a portable. That would require them to change the position of the switch depending on which system they're using.

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I am curious to why you would have to switch between the PCE and TG16? The TurboED can region patch on the fly, so I am unsure why you would have to switch between systems all the time. I am sure KRIKzz was thinking the same thing.


The system I play on is determined strictly by how I feel on a given day. Sometimes I will pull out the TG16, while other times I'll grab my PCE. While I'm sure it's not the use case for most, I'm certain there are others like me who like to use the different variations of systems in their collection.


I don't buy systems to sit on my shelf and look pretty, they're purchased to play. :)


For others, it's very possible they use a PC-Engine Duo for TV use and a TurboExpress as a portable. That would require them to change the position of the switch depending on which system they're using.


Point taken. As I said I was just curious. I don't own a PCE, just TG-16. So I was thinking if TG-16 (w/TurboED) can play PCE games why would I ever need a PCE? (unless it was just for collecting)

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